Understanding Long-Term Disability Insurance for Stay-at-Home Parents

The role of a stay-at-home parent is often undervalued, yet it's one of the most crucial jobs in a family’s life. From childcare to household management, the responsibilities are endless and often go unrecognized in financial terms. However, what happens if a stay-at-home parent becomes unable to perform these duties due to a long-term disability? This is where understanding long-term disability insurance becomes vital.

Understanding Long-Term Disability Insurance for Stay-at-Home Parents

Top Projects For Industrious Stay-At-Home Parents

In an era when as many parents work at home as in remote offices, millions of moms and dads spend most of their time with their young children. The situation is prevalent during summer when school is not in session. Parents have the luxury of designing their schedules and tackling all sorts of projects that would be impossible if they held traditional office-based jobs. What do home-based mothers and fathers do when they have the time?

Cover Letter Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents Re-Entering the Workforce

Returning to the workforce after a break can be stressful, especially for stay-at-home parents. However, there are a few ways to make it easier. Here are some tips to help you create an effective cover letter and resume to help land the job you desire.

Cover Letter Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents Re-Entering the Workforce

How to Make the Most of a Lazy Day and Not Feel Guilty

Contrary to the belief that people need to always be productive to succeed, having a lazy day sometimes is a necessity. A day where you have no plans or schedules can help you release tension and revitalize yourself. Having lazy days where you just feel like you don’t want to do anything can also be your body’s natural way of telling you that you need rest. It’s normal and nothing to be afraid of.

How to Make the Most of a Lazy Day and Not Feel Guilty

There is no need to feel guilty about feeling a bit lazy and hanging out at home. However, if you want to make the most of your day, here are some ways to still make it productive and fulfilling.

Regaining Your Confidence After Becoming A Mom For The First Time

Pregnancy is one of the most difficult periods of your life with so many ups and downs. There are some amazing things about it but there are also some real lows. It’s all worth it though because, at the end of it all, you have a beautiful baby.

Regaining Your Confidence After Becoming A Mom For The First Time

Most moms expect to feel on top of the world and often, they do. But many mothers also experience a lot of confidence issues after giving birth. Hormones have a role to play and your body has been through a lot of changes too, which can knock your self-esteem. As a new parent, it’s only natural that you will feel completely out of your depth but when mothers start feeling like they’re falling short of their duties as a parent, this can have a big impact on confidence too. 

If you are feeling like your confidence has taken a hit after giving birth, these are some of the best ways to get it back. 

How to Make Stay at Home Mom Life More Productive

I had to learn “how to be a stay at home mom”. It is a life that relies on consistency and schedule whether you like that life or not. That was the only way I found I could get anything done. It is also a job that requires you to think on your feet and go with the flow, regardless of what “has to get done” that day. And it can be a job that is mentally draining. Here are some of my tips on how to make stay at home mom life more productive.

Homemade Meal Prepping Breakfast Ideas for Kids

I have been trying to find ways to save more money recently. My husband and I are focusing on paying off debt this year, so finding ways to cut back just goes hand in hand. One thing I have noticed since I have stopped extreme couponing, is that our grocery bill has gone way up. And this is simply because I have been purchasing convenience items. I prefer for my kids to have a hot breakfast. When they have a breakfast that is jam packed with sugar, they seem to get hungry a few minutes later. I started meal prepping my husband breakfast and lunches which got me thinking, I could make the same convenience items that I have been purchasing in store and save a bundle plus they will probably be better for them since they aren't overly saturated with preservatives.

meal prep breakfast ideas

I am a stay-at-home mom and the argument has always been, "well you have so much time on your hands that's why this is easier for you". This was the same thing I heard when I was couponing. Like anything else you want to do whether it's start going to the gym, craft, pick up a new hobby, etc., you have to make the time if you want it to work. I meal prep on Sundays because besides going to church in the morning, we don't have much else going on that day. Some people like to "relax" and watch TV, well bring the TV in the kitchen and watch your shows while you meal prep. I promise you can find the time if you want to make this work.

So now on to a few things that we have been making for the kid's breakfasts.

Tips for Women Looking to Return to Work

Have you been out of work for a few years taking care of your family? Sometimes it can be difficult to know how to start back after a break or you are worried that the lapse in time will affect you negatively. Thankfully, most companies see the benefit of women in business and have re-entry programs available. But this isn't the case for every job or career. Here are some tips if you are interested in returning back to the workforce after taking time off to raise your family or for other reasons.