How to Save Money on Prescriptions

This post is sponsored by ScriptSave® WellRx. All opinions are my own.

As a frugal mom, one of the questions that I get asked is how do you save on medical expenses. We all know that insurance can only take us so far and we are very fortunate to have a health savings account that helps us save for any type of medical expense, but if I can save money on prescriptions where I normally wouldn't get a discount then of course I am going to take it!

ScriptSave® WellRX is a great service that helps you do just that! All you have to do is take their free discount card or mobile app with you to your pharmacy and use it to get a discount when you fill your prescriptions!

Cheap Holiday Décor Ideas

This is a sponsored post with Dollar Tree where Everything's $1 and you can find Cheap Holiday Décor. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

I have always been a frugal person. I love to do it my self when I can, I like to save old stuff and re-purpose it, and one of my favorite places to shop for Cheap Holiday Decorations is definitely Dollar Tree. Besides having a variety of stuff to choose for only $1, they also have a ton of other great stuff like stocking stuffers, back to school products, etc. I have put together a great list of DIY Holiday décor that you can make with stuff you can easily find at Dollar Tree.

Save on Family Travel with ibotta

If you are anything like my family, then you are already planning you yearly trips. We take our annual Panama City Beach, FL trip during Fall Break, but by planning everything out at the beginning of the year we can save MORE while doing it.

I love checking out any and all offers I can to try and find a deal for our family traveling adventures. Last year, we headed to Chattanooga and saw Ruby Falls and Rock City during Spring Break with some deals we found. Every thing was planned so last minute, so we KNOW we could have saved more if we had just planned a little bit better.

ibotta can help with your traveling needs from rooms to suitcases right now from 1/15 to 1/21 on the app! New users can also earn a $10 bonus for trying out the app! Check out these great offers that will be available on the app starting tomorrow:

How to Save Money (When You're Not a Saver)

If you have been following my blog or following me on social media, then you know that I hate paying retail. This comes from a time when money was very tight because we went from two incomes to one PLUS an extra mouth to feed. I use to coupon like crazy and even watched my friend's daughter for a little extra pocket change just so we could make ends meat. Times were tight, especially around the holidays.

Tips to Save Money for Travel, Holidays, & More

We weren't the kind of people that felt the need to go over board on gifts for our own child because she does have a lot of people in our family and close friends that will do that for us, but we also have quite a few nieces plus my own daughter and one of my nieces has a birthday in December. Plus with all the dinners we had to go to and bring a dish, little costs always seem to add up. But I have found little ways to save money that really helps in the long run whether you are saving for a special trip or a holiday.

Importance of Financial Planning

This is a sponsored conversation for SheSpeaks on behalf of Prudential. All opinions are my own.

The number one thing I have noticed about becoming a parent - kids aren't cheap. Even before we started to plan our family, we considered the expenses. Would I be able to stay home? Would we have to pay for day care? How much debt did we need to pay off? Then they are babies and they need a lot of stuff! Diapers, bottles, blankets, cribs, pacifiers, and the list is a mile long. When they get a little older you think that the expenses will slow down, but you have to pay for school, extracurricular activities, and shoes every month because they just keep growing.

Financial Planning for a Family

Even if your child is like mine and goes to public school, there are expenses every week that you need to pay for. What about when they get older - a safe car, cell phone, college, weddings... I am all for making my children get a job and help with their own finances, but there is only so much that a minimum job can pay for.

Make Money Online While Never Paying Retail with Dealspotr

I am always look to pay the lowest amount possible. I HATE paying retail! If I have to buy something online, I hate leaving that "Enter Coupon Code" spot blank. I recently was introduced to Dealspotr and now I can always make sure I will find the best deal or coupon code possible while earning Amazon gift cards too.

Make Money Online While Never Paying Retail with Dealspotr

So let me explain. How Dealspotr works is consumers just like you and me post in-store, online, or even freebie deals for just about any store you can think of. Anyone can validate codes or deals. And how you do it is by sharing screenshots to make sure the deal is working properly. This ensures that the most valid and reliable deals are shared. The key is honesty, but with almost 30,000 users validating deals and coupons, Dealspotr has a unique system that ensures deals are valid and you can save the most money possible.

10 Tips for Beginner Couponers

This post contains affiliate links.

A simple google search brings you to a mass collection of links and images all saying they have free this and that. I was once an overwhelmed beginner too. Here are my 10 tricks of the trade for beginning couponers.

How to Get FREE Stuff without Being a Blogger

This post contains referral links. Originally published on 12/20/15.

I don't know about you, but I am all about some FREE stuff! Who doesn't like a good freebie, especially when it's something that you will use? I have put a little list together of all the sites where I have found some GREAT freebies that really take minimal effort on your part. So check them out:

How to Get Free Stuff Without Being a Blogger

I would like to note, the work bloggers do is just that "work". It has helped my family in amazing ways and I am so glad I started doing it, but it is a LOT of work. If you are interested in starting your own blog (because you are willing to put in the work), please let me know and I will get a post together to help you learn how.

Now on to the sites:

How To Get Coupons for FREE...WITHOUT Digging in Dumpsters

How to Get Coupons for FREE...WITHOUT Digging in Dumpsters was originally published on 5/24/13.

***I have been debating about posting this because I didn't want to come off as judgmental or leaping to conclusions. But after talking to several others about this, I am not the only one who thinks this way. So here we go. Please let me know your thoughts. ***

Save Money on Gifts with Groupon Goods

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

I love saving money and hate paying retail. I have all my handy frugal apps right on my smart phone, so I never miss a deal. I know I have already mentioned how much I love the Groupon app. Groupon is a deal-of-the-day recommendation service saving you 40% to 60% off retail if you purchase that product or service.

Recently my husband and I have been obsessed with the Groupon Goods! We have bought so many things for our new house as well some pretty awesome birthday and Christmas presents.

My daughter was born just a few weeks before Christmas, so making sure she has a great birthday while not spending a lot is essential. Groupon lets me save on services like bouncy castles and goods which include electronics, jewelry, clothes, and more.

Some of my favorite gift ideas right now on Groupon include:

Save Even More with Groupon Coupons

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

I love saving money and hate paying retail. I have all my handy frugal apps right on my smart phone, so I never miss a deal. One of my favorite money saving apps is the Groupon app. You know about Groupon, right? Groupon is a deal-of-the-day recommendation service saving you 40% to 60% off retail if you purchase that product or service.

The new thing is Groupon Coupons which saves you money on more than just local restaurants and events, but also nationwide chains, like Bed Bath & Beyond! There are 84 available coupons for Bed Bath & Beyond right now. Savings from promo codes, sales, and in-store offers. So there are more ways to save than ever before.

Handy Apps for Frugal Moms

This post contains affiliate links.
As a frugal mom myself, I am so grateful for the invention of smart phones. I have no idea how people saved money with out them (maybe because prices weren't so high?). I have compiled a list of my favorite frugal apps and hope you might like them too. :)

This post contains affiliate links, but these are all apps I use myself. This post was originally published in 2012 and I have updated because many of these apps I sill use today!

The Cost of Your Vices

The Cost Of Your Vices

How much money are you wasting by spending money on things you don't need? We think we need them because we are so addicted to them that we have convinced ourselves that we need them.

eBay has made this nifty quiz to figure out how much money you could save annually if you didn't smoke, drink alcohol, eat fast food, drink sodas, or drink coffee. The last was my worst vice.

Now I personally think name brand products can be vices as well. When you are on a budget, you can't afford to be brand specific. It is an unrealistic expectation. And if I hear another woman (who does all the grocery shopping) say she can't buy something because her husband likes a certain brand, I'm going to go crazy. My husband use to be brand specific on laundry detergent (for a period we had to be due to my daughter's skin allergies), bread, milk, and various other things. Those cost add up. I was doing the shopping. I bought what was on sale. That meant snack food only on special occasions. And you know what? he actually lost 10 lbs based on my efforts.

{Also being on a budget you should shop sales, but that's a post for another day all together.}

I could save over $800 a year according to this quiz if I didn't drink my daily cup of coffee. Now, of course, this quiz doesn't include my couponing efforts. And with taking care of two toddlers and working 12 hour days, giving up my one cup of coffee ain't gonna happen. But it was an eye opener to see how much we were spending.

Here is the link to the quiz, how much are you spending on your vices?

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Teaching Smart Money Choices with Three Jar System

Saving money is fun! I was emailed about this book and thought it was such a great concept and jumped at the opportunity to share it with all of you!

Did you know April is National Financial Literacy month? It is so important to teach our children the importance of the dollar so they aren't doomed to make the same mistakes that we have made ourselves. John Lanza has created a series that helps children learn valuable money life lessons in a fun way. He also teaches parents how to teach their children what living responsibly means. And in the current economy, who can afford to not live responsibly. Below is an article that he has provided to share.

The Money Mammals

Making Smart Money Choices Using a Three Jar System
by John Lanza

Teaching Smart Money Choices using a three jar system

Tips to Save Money on Baby

You just found out you are pregnant, CONGRATS! Now what? You realize that there is just one thing after another that a baby needs but how to pay for it all? Here are my tips to save money on baby.

Nursing Pillow1. Breastfeed
My TOP Tip for saving money with a baby is breastfeeding. No wasting anything, no cleaning anything. Even after breast pads (which Udder Covers sells a variety of reusable ones), cream, and a nursing cover (FREE Nursing Cover from Udder Covers with code BABYSAVINGS, just pay S&H), you still pay less than formula. If you need to pump, go through your insurance to get one. A law was just passed so you should be able to get a hospital grade quality pump completely free! Having supply issues? Try this Supply Boosting Cookie Recipe.
Although I am a very strong breastfeeding advocate, I do realize that it's not for everyone and sometimes you need to supplement, and formula is expensive. Here are some well-known formula makers, that you can sign up for email updates, along with money saving coupons and checks, they will sometimes send you samples. :)

2. Cloth Diaper
Okay I am going to be honest. I never cloth diapered. I did see a ton of benefits, except the extra laundry which meant more of my time. And being a full-time mom, plus taking care of my friend's daughter, AND now being a Professional Blogger, I feel my time is valuable. Now I am NOT saying that people who cloth diaper don't value their time. This is just the reason I didn't BUT saying all that, I am seriously considering it with my next baby.
The upfront cost is what is so hard to swallow. My friend found this site called that sells cloth diapers for $5!!!
Now, again, I understand that clothing diapering isn't for everyone, so I suggest looking into the following retailers for possible coupons or samples. Also, there are a TON of printable coupons online as well.
Huggies, Pampers (save points through their Gifts To Grow program and get cool stuff, like FREE Shutterfly products). Thing to remember when buying diapers is, the bigger the diaper, the fewer in the package, so make absolutely sure before you move up a size. And remember nothing is wrong with store brand, test them out, they may work for you. And if you are couponing, buy in BULK. Tape the receipt to the box, so you can exchange them if need be.

Tips to Save Money on Baby - Make Your Own Baby Food3. Make Your OWN Baby Food
I made about half of Sweet Pea's baby food. I had a food processor that got shocked during a lightning storm, even though we have surge protectors. PLUS, I found jar baby food to be easier when we were on the go. But of course, even that didn't make the task any easier. Invest in a good food processor and you're good to go. Make a TON and then freeze it.
Not into Homemade Baby Food? I signed up with Beechnut (who send you a welcome package for whatever stage your child enters) and Earth's Best. I also contacted HappyBaby who sent me free samples and coupons to try their products. Of course I love Buddy Fruits as well. Look into ingredients with whatever baby food you choose.

4. Make Your OWN Baby Clothes
Okay I never did this, but I LOVE Pinterest and look at the most adorable things I have found:
Turn Old T-Shirts into Baby Sacks
Old Shirts into Dress
No Sew Onesie Make-Over
Those are just some ideas. You can also cut old onesies, hem it, and make them into shirts. Also look into garment extenders. There also a TON of online sites I love that sell baby clothes really cheap, including: Totsy, ThredUp (like new, used clothes), Zulily, and WittleBee. Another great way to save money on baby clothes is to shop consignment shops or yard sales. My mother-in-law did this for us. Our crib AND changing table were practically new, and she only paid $150 for both! So, deals are to be had and don't be afraid to haggle. Also, there are some online sites where you can exchange stuff, like TheBump's Swap Spot board,, there are multiple Facebook groups, or if you feel like risking it, Craig's List. I have had a lot of luck with TheBump and SwapMamas! ALSO, don't snub your nose at sales racks. There is nothing wrong with your baby wearing last year's fashion when you are on a budget!

5. Everything Can Be a Toy
Boxes, pots, and pans; OH MY! My daughters' FAVORITE toys are not the ones we intended for her. Although she loves her Sophie the Giraffe, is that a practical toy for the mom and dad who are on a budget to buy? Not really. Pans with plastic spoons are musical instruments. I also love Coffee mate containers filled with dry beans. They are BPA-free and make a great rattle!

6. Baby Gear is Expensive
Free is nice, but there are some things that are just going to be expensive because safety is more valuable in the long run. Car Seats are something you should NOT get used because you don't know if it was in a car accident. And even cheap ones can run between $60 to $100. If you don't get one as a baby shower gift, just remember, even the cheap ones have to meet the same standards according to government regulation as the higher end ones. You can read more about Car Seat Safety HERE.

7. Don't Waste Money on NON-Essentials
Poor new, first-time parents. We fall for the gimmicks left and right of things we MUST register for and buy to have everything ready for baby. I have found that a diaper changing pad on top of a dresser, can not only save money but also save space. And don't buy expensive crib bedding sets, the Consumer Product Safety Administration AND the American Academy of Pediatrics advise against thick comforters and crib bumpers. So why are they still sold like that? Beats me. But all you need is a fitted sheet and a thin blanket. You also don't NEED a wipe warmer either. Be practical and do your research. Don't register for it but if you get it as a gift just say, "Thank You". And just ask for the gift receipt later. :D

I hope you found this list helpful. And for the experienced parent's out there, what tips do you have to save money on baby?