How to Remain Sane While Going Through a Divorce

Divorce is usually one of the most traumatic experiences that anyone could go through. You were once in a space where you thought you were safe and secure, and then it turned out that you weren’t safe at all to begin with. It can be terrifying, especially now having to deal with unexpected changes that you hoped to have never gone through, to begin with. But in the end, it’s something sadly that has to be done.

While this is a traumatic event, you need to stay strong. While yes, that’s far easier said than done, you need to give yourself that safety and security that only you can give yourself. With that being said, it’s also important to give yourself a chance to prepare, such as with a divorce checklist. It’s hard to stay mentally stable during this tough time, but you can do it. So here are some ways to stay sane while taking on this divorce.

How To Help a Child with Depression

Being a parent is all things. It’s hard and it’s fun. It’s terrifying and it’s rewarding. This is normal. Yet there will be times when you feel that you don’t know what to do, and no one seems to be able to help. One of these times could be when your child seems to have the signs and symptoms of depression. If this is the case, you might be scared and feel like you can't do anything to help. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to help your child. Read on to find out more.

Setting Intentions: The New Law of Attraction

The habit of setting intentions has a long history in all sorts of new age practices, from meditation and yoga to green witchcraft and nature-based spiritualities.

But more recently, people have come to realize that setting intentions is a healthy, positive way to clear the mind and attract success and satisfaction in virtually every aspect of life.

Setting Intentions: The New Law of Attraction

When we set an intention, we are focused on a specific goal or outcome that we wish to achieve. This could be anything from wanting to get healthy and fit, to seeking out our dream job or relationship. Whatever it is that you desire, setting an intention is a powerful way to help manifest your desires into reality.

Many people set intentions as part of a larger practice that involves meditation, yoga, prayer, or spiritual ritual. But you don't have to do all that to set intentions.

This brief overview provides a step-by-step guide for basic intention setting and a few examples of intentions as well.

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Focus

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Focus

Do you find yourself struggling to stay focused throughout the day? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people worldwide deal with this issue daily. Thankfully, there are several ways to improve your focus and concentration skills. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the best methods that have been proven to work!

Encouraging Your Children To Be As Healthy As Possible

Sometimes, trying to encourage children to be healthy can be like talking to a brick wall. You’re not a chocolate bar, you’re not their favorite video game, so they don’t want to know what else you are going to suggest. This is not a healthy way to live though, not for an adult and certainly not for a child. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do to encourage your children to be as healthy as possible. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Encouraging Your Children To Be As Healthy As Possible

Looking After Your Health as a Busy Parent

Let's face it, being a parent is hard work. As soon as you find out that you're going to start a family, your entire life becomes focused on your children and their needs. This can leave little time for self-care, and many parents suffer terribly both mentally and physically as a result of ignoring their needs time and time again. Of course, regularly ignoring your health will lead to serious issues, potentially affecting your ability to look after your family as a result, so it's vital that you can take the right steps to start taking better care of yourself before it's too late. Thankfully, this guide contains a whole host of different tips, tricks and ideas that you can make the most of to transform your health as a busy parent, and it couldn't be easier to get started today! So, if you're interested in finding out more, then simply read on.

Looking After Your Health as a Busy Parent

A Case for CBD: 10 Facts You Likely Didn’t Know About Cannabidiol

The market for CBD products is at an all-time high. With cannabidiol gaining in popularity, buyers want to know more about what the product can offer. Separating the facts from the myths is an eye-opening way to learn the benefits about CBD.

A Case for CBD: 10 Facts You Likely Didn’t Know About Cannabidiol

Ways to Have a Great Night Out in a Bar When You Don’t Drink

Ways to Have a Great Night Out in a Bar When You Don’t Drink

When you want to socialize with friends who insist on meeting in a bar, but you’re taking a break from alcohol, it may seem like it will be a dull evening. There are plenty of ways to have a great night out in a bar, even if you’re sober. Here are some suggestions.

5 Ways to Stay Positive as a Mom

5 Ways to Stay Positive as a Mom

Being a mom comes with a lot of love, but it also comes with a lot of stress and anxiety in some situations. Most of us feel like we are never really doing enough, even when we are, and this is a heavy weight to carry. With that in mind, it can truly feel so hard to stay positive as a mom. There are heavy weights to carry, sometimes daily tasks feel so mundane, and other days, we just feel like we need help. If you feel like this, this is the article for you. Here are a few tips to stay positive as a mom --

Why Is Socializing Good For You?

Some individuals like large social events, while others prefer far more private get-togethers, but regardless of your choice, spending time with friends and family is always enjoyable. In reality, socializing is not only enjoyable but also beneficial to one's health, so if you don't do a lot of it, perhaps it's time to add more dinner parties and gatherings to your calendar. Here are some of the reasons why.

Why Is Socializing Good For You?

4 Tips to Protect Your Child's Health in Lockdown

It’s a tough time for parents at the moment. With your children spending a lot more time indoors, your parenting responsibilities are through the roof. You have to help them with online education and keep them entertained, all while dealing with your own personal and professional duties.

4 Tips to Protect Your Child's Health in Lockdown


But you also have the added duty of making sure they are as healthy as possible. In normal times, your kids would be running around the playground and playing games with their friends almost constantly. But with lockdowns and government restrictions sweeping the country, they are now stuck at home all the time. This means they’re getting less exercise than they’re used to and are spending more time on their phones or playing video games. The lockdown may also be taking a toll on their mental health as they’re unable to see their friends and roam freely outdoors. 

As a parent, it’s your responsibility to look after your child’s mental and physical health. And there are several things you can do to keep them fit and active throughout lockdown. Here are four tips to get you started. 

How To Keep The Morale And Mental Health Of Your Children Thriving

As a parent, you’ll know that the life, health, and happiness of your child or children is the most important thing. You may have worried about yourself and the way your life panned out before, but as soon as your child was born, the priorities switch immediately. Your life and the things you wanted were put on the backburner – they’re still there, but just not as essential as they once were.

How To Keep The Morale And Mental Health Of Your Children Thriving

In terms of the health of your child, you’re going to want to focus a lot on their mental side. It goes without saying that their physical health should be thought about, but many parents (especially those in the past) often unintentionally ignore what they’re thinking and how they’re feeling. Fortunately, mental health is being taken a little more seriously in this day and age, so you’ll get a lot more help and more methods of learning in this regard. 

Whether you have an autistic child in your life or one with no signs of a mental impediment, their thoughts and feelings are influencers heavily in their impressionable years – so it’s up to you to make sure they’re in the best possible place. Sometimes, their brain might work in a way that needs a little medication – you can give them the best possible advantage, though. Here are some things you can do: 

Struggling with Addiction: Learning to Love an Alcoholic

 2020 we kept telling ourselves we were only going to focus on the positive. But stuff happened to a lot of people and not recognizing the trauma isn't good for the soul. I have said I always wanted to share my entire life even the bad parts with you, but I didn’t this past year because I didn’t want to bring anyone else worry or maybe I didn't think it was my place to tell. I went back and forth about sharing this because of how personal it is, but I decided to share it because if can help one person then it is worth it.

I'm sorry to distract from my normal positive posts, but I have always wanted to be real and help others. That's why I started this blog and I hope to continue doing that.

My mom has drank as long as I can remember. When I was growing up she would have a few glasses of Franzia white Zinfandel from those huge boxes that she kept in the fridge. I knew she liked to drink, but I didn’t know it was a problem. I remember her doing things when she was drunk (I didn’t know that’s what it was at the time) that were embarrassing. And even now something will happen and I'll randomly remember something that I must have blocked out.

When my daughter was a baby we stayed over at her house for a night because we wanted to wake up early and ride somewhere together. She lives over an hour and a half away from me one way. I remember her having “a night cap”  which she said was "part of her routine" and the next day when we were talking about it, she clearly didn’t realize she had drank not just one, but four shots of rum. 

Taking Care Of Your Child’s Mental Health With These Suggestions

When it comes to our children’s mental health, sometimes we cannot be 100% sure what we can and should do to help things. Children are sponges and they can pick up on anxious feelings from adults and situations can start to affect their own mental health and wellbeing. Often feelings and emotions can’t always be explained, and making sure there is established routine and understanding can help you and your child to ensure that their mental health is positive and in a good space. So what can you do to take better care of your child’s mental health? Here are some suggestions.