Being a mom comes with a lot of love, but it also comes with a lot of stress and anxiety in some situations. Most of us feel like we are never really doing enough, even when we are, and this is a heavy weight to carry. With that in mind, it can truly feel so hard to stay positive as a mom. There are heavy weights to carry, sometimes daily tasks feel so mundane, and other days, we just feel like we need help. If you feel like this, this is the article for you. Here are a few tips to stay positive as a mom --
It’s true, and I need you to believe me. You are just the person that your kids need and love. You are their mother. Their whole world. You are enough and you are perfect, no matter how imperfect you feel. That’s just a part of being human ;)
Know that you are raising kind, smart, and loving humans
Being a mom is definitely a job and in my opinion, it’s the most important job in the world. You are raising kind, smart, and loving humans. The days might seem long and impossible sometimes, but when you come back to the heart of it and actually think about what you are doing and why this work is so important, I think that your day(s) will become easier and more enjoyable, even on the hardest of days. You are raising your babies and these are the sweetest days, even when hard (I promise!).
Create goals and set them into action
First and foremost, you need to have goals in mind and we are talking about PERSONAL goals, not goals for your whole family (although, those are great to have, as well!). Where do you want to be in a few months? What about a year from now? Setting these goals is a great way to stay motivated and positive because you are able to take it one goal at a time. It’s the same premise as taking motherhood one day at a time: you will have really rough days and really great days. If you take each day at a time and start fresh the next day, you’ve got it in the bag! Start fresh each day, working towards the goals that you set. To make it easier to feel rewarded by achieving your goals, set one or two large goals (maybe a promotion at work, a goal to get your stress under control, or maybe even a goal to hit up the gym 5x/week!?) and then a few easy-to-reach goals along the way, that will lead up to your one or two large goals. Once you do finally reach your large goal, or goals, set more. You’ve got this!
Seek help, when needed
Sometimes, all you need is a mindset shift, but this can be very challenging to do! Seek help, when needed. Pure Hypnosis | Sean Wheeler is a huge resource, when you need help with anxiety, stress relief, and so much more. Even if you have a goal of losing weight or getting more fit, he offers hypnosis to lose weight, which is so cool, and he has great reviews to back up his work. If you want your problems solved quickly and effectively, so that you can do it all and feel great while mom-ing, I would definitely give him a call, because he uses proven methods to solve your problems quickly and permanently. “Sean Wheeler is a Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ by Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP) and the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™. He is a certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, widely acknowledged as the number one association in the field of hypnosis.”
Learn how to better balance your time
Last but not least, you need to learn how to balance your time, in order to stay positive. When you do not balance your time and keep your schedule organized, it can be really easy to lose it and get overwhelmed. Missed deadlines at work (if applicable), late arrivals at playdates or activities, and forgetting about doctors and dental appointments is never good. Keep a calendar and learn how to better balance your time + stay organized and you will reap the benefits!
This is great info.