6 Important Things Every New Mum Needs To Know About Breastfeeding

As a new mum, you’re likely both excited and nervous about the prospect of breastfeeding. While it is undoubtedly one of the most natural and fulfilling forms of nourishing your little one, there are several important considerations to keep in mind if you choose to breastfeed. Here, are 6 key components that every parent should know while navigating their journey with breastfeeding.

6 Important Things Every New Mum Needs To Know About Breastfeeding

Now Your Little One Is Here, What Do You Need to Know?

Now that you have had your little one, there are some things that you are going to need to know to get through the first year at least. The first year is going to be very exhausting but you will also experience some of the most wonderful moments and feelings, so it’s all worth it. If you’re struggling right now, or you are panicking about raising this little human, then it’s a good thing that you have come to this article. Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you need to know now that your little one is here. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.

About to Have a Baby? These Tips Will Help You

Are you looking for tips to prepare for an upcoming baby? You're in the right place. Every parent will want to make sure they’re prepared for the arrival of their newest family member – and that starts with knowledge. Here are some steps you can take to get ready for the baby!

pregnant belly getting kissed by man during sunset

What Are the Signs a Baby Knows Their Name?

Your baby responding to their name is something that you look forward to. You spend months, if not years searching for the right name, and a lot of thought goes into naming your baby. It is no wonder that when they are finally here, you start wondering whether they know the name you gave them.

If you follow a first-year developmental milestone guide, you know that this is a milestone you should expect and are looking forward to. It is a big step for both your baby and you.

Prepare for Your Little One's Arrival With These Essential Tips

It's hard to believe, but your little one is almost here! Are you ready for the big day? If not, don't be concerned; we have you covered. This blog post will discuss some essential tips for preparing for your baby's arrival. Whether you're a first-time parent or have children already, these tips will help make the transition easier for everyone involved. So what are you waiting for? Start reading and get prepared!

How Your Baby's Name Can Influence Their Personality: A Guide to Naming Your Baby

Exploring baby names for their newborn? Find out how your baby’s name can possibly affect their future personalities, and much more.

Here’s the big question - can your baby’s name influence their personality? There is no simple and practical answer to it, and most importantly it’s challenging to draw any conclusions from their names about their future personalities. There are a lot of factors that go into the formation of a baby's future personality. It’s safe to say that there’s so strong evidence that proves any significant relationship between your baby’s name and personality. However, it can contribute in certain ways, which we’ll discuss in this article. Scroll down to read.

Adjusting To Life With A New Baby

If you thought that pregnancy involves a lot of changes to your lifestyle, then motherhood is going to seem like a challenge, indeed. There’s no doubt that it takes work and effort to make your own way of life when there’s a baby in the mix, but it’s far from impossible. After all, women have been doing it for millennia. You need to be prepared to spend money and have financial stability as Nuna, Premium Car Seats, Pushchairs, and Baby Gear AU do add up, but it is all a necessity. The modern world makes it easier in some ways and tougher in some, but here are some tips that are going to help you learn about adjustments you might need to make, and how you can do them.

Tips for Choosing the Best Clothes for a Baby Girl

Dressing a baby girl can be quite interesting. This is because of the wide range of cute clothing items for baby girls. Read on for incredible tips for choosing baby girl clothes.

Tips for Choosing the Best Clothes for a Baby Girl

4 Best and Worst Baby Formulas for Your Infant

4 Best and Worst Baby Formulas for Your Infant

Whether you are a new parent or welcoming an additional child into your family, finding the right formula is essential for many families. Although breastfeeding is always an excellent option, this is not a possibility for everyone. In this case, knowing how to shop for a healthy formula that will keep your baby’s development on track and its tummy comfy is essential. To help you make the right choice, here are four of the best and worst baby formulas for your infant:

Top Tips For Choosing A Baby Name

Choosing a name for your baby is an important choice. The responsibility of naming a person can be scary, as your child will carry it for life. You might already know what you want in a name, but your partner and family might have their own ideas too. Here are some top tips to help you choose.

Top Tips For Choosing A Baby Name

Whether you turn to a baby name generator or choose a vintage name from the family, there are few things to take into account before you make your name choice official. Make sure you have though about all these things before you decide.

How to Protect Your Baby's Hearing

How to Protect Your Baby's Hearing

Little children are often a fan of noisy events and activities from a young age, but it’s always important to be mindful of the volume. Loud noises can be damaging to the inner ear and babies can be particularly sensitive. They’ll need suitable protection that’s designed for smaller ears if they’re in noisy environments. Babies and toddlers also require screenings to monitor their hearing health. As a parent, there are also a few things you can do to protect your baby’s hearing.

Routines To Instill As A New Parent

It can be easy to let our new baby overwhelm our daily routine. It can be easy to let the day slip by and not have any time for yourself. If you find yourself agreeing with this, then you should rethink your routine. You need to become more organized and scheduled with your days so that you take some time for yourself as well as the baby.

Routines To Instill As A New Parent

Although it is vital to care for your baby first, you also need to look after yourself. Whether you are waiting for the due date or are a new parent already, here are some tips for how to create a better routine. 

Be Prepared For Your Baby, But Think Of Number One, Too

In older times, having children was not perceived as a burden but as a good in itself. Is motherhood a neutral event, which each age has positive or negative connotations? Of course not. Parenting, parenting, and childcare should be enjoyable in itself.

The behaviors that are essential for the survival of the individual or the species produce pleasure. Animals do not know that food contains nutrients necessary to live nor that sex is necessary to reproduce. They act motivated by pleasure. It is necessary to care for and feed children for years. No animal does it for as long as humans, so it is a complicated and lengthy process. We often bow down to the social norms of today without giving a second thought to our own mental health. Additionally, there appears to be an essential feedback mechanism that the more you care for a baby, the more you want to continue to care for it. You fall in love. 

The Surprising Techniques You Can Use To Boost Your Baby's Brain Power

We all want our babies to grow up to become cogent individuals, able to take on whatever cognitive challenges that they face as adults. At the very least, we want them to have the raw brainpower to get through school and perhaps get a college degree.

As parents, it’s only natural to wonder whether there’s anything that we can do to help develop their minds. While much of an infant’s intelligence is biologically determined, research suggests that parents can play a pivotal role in ensuring that they achieve various developmental “milestones.”

Here’s what to do if you want your baby to be smart.

What You Need To Know Before Shopping For Infant Formula

The market for infant formula has exploded in recent years. While this is good for new parents who now can choose from a variety of options for their child, it has also created confusion and decision paralysis in determining what the best formula truly is.

When you shop for infant formula, there are some things you need to keep in mind to make the process easier on yourself. Generally, sticking with well-known and established infant formula brands will give your baby adequate nutrition and a host of other benefits.

To delve a little deeper into the nuances of infant formula, let’s look at some specific things to keep in mind before heading to the supermarket.

What Are The Alternatives To Breast Milk For Infants Aged 6-12 Months?

While parenting philosophies differ to put it lightly, most medical professionals may recommend that babies start weaning off breast milk after six months of age. After this time, it can be confusing for new parents to know how to properly meet their child’s nutritional needs. Breastmilk is convenient for its all-in-one nutritional profile, but knowing the alternatives to this option can be a confusing landscape to navigate.

To supplement breastmilk after six months until twelve months, there are several infant formula options that can boost your child’s dietary regimen. There are even more options for those who need to steer clear of conventional infant formulas for one reason or another. Knowing the options is the first step towards making the best decision for your child’s health.

So, let’s look at some of the alternatives to breastmilk for infants older than six months.

PatPat Boutique Baby Clothing Giveaway

I know so many people having babies that I'm starting to think there is something in the water. Just kidding. But with all the people I know having babies, means so baby presents to buy! And I love buying baby clothes. They have gotten so much cuter than when mine were babies plus the boutique stuff has gone way done on price too.

I was contacted by a company called PatPat. And they have a ton of super cute boutique clothes to choose from: Mommy & Me styles, baby or toddler clothes, and even some matching family swim suits. They have a TON to choose from. I'm excited to not only partner with them for a fun giveaway, but also share on top of their low prices you can score an additional 15% off with code MrsD12! And you can combine sales with coupon codes for extra savings.

Introducing Made Of for A New Generation of Parents + Giveaway

Consumers are expecting more and more from brands. They want their products to be ethically made while still working well. And they want products that aren't made with harsh chemicals especially when they are used around their baby.
MADE OF Baby Diaper Newborn Subscription

MADE OF is the first of its kind for a new generation of parents. They believe that the fundamental component of family health and wellness is dependent on the everyday products they use. They believe that effective everyday products should be made of organic and plant derived ingredients. They believe that mandatory transparency standards for sourcing, manufacturing, testing and certification results in safer products. They have created a full line of Certified Organic MADE IN USA everyday products for health conscious, time conscious and value conscious parents. 

Baby Shower Essentials Giveaway

Are you expecting a baby this summer? These 2018 Baby Shower Essentials are practical, natural, problem-solving and adorable! We are excited to share with you some great baby gift ideas and offer you the chance to win an amazing gift collection!

The Ultimate Gift Collection - Win It!

Bundle of Joy Giveaway! $350 in Prizes! Giveaway Ends 4/15

Sponsored By: Stroller SpotterRonicaLucky Baby WorldCoconut Essentials, Handpainting - Fine Art PrintsLettering On The CheapAmara, Lil' Johns, and Drawing Board Shop

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy