5 Things to Take Care of During Pregnancy

This is a sponsored guest post.
Pregnancy can be the most important phase in the life of a woman, and if it’s the first time there is a lot of anticipation, anxiety experienced by the to-be parents. These are the nine most important months of your life when you are actually creating the basic character of new life. Here are five things to take care of during this phase to make it smooth and stress-free.

My Breastfeeding Journey

I'm a Sisterhood of Motherhood Partner and a sponsored blog partner, but all opinions here are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

My breastfeeding journey has been a long one. I was very uneducated when I first started my journey and of course inexperienced. I had read very little about breastfeeding because I was more worried about giving birth and everything I did read was either hard to follow or very discouraging. When I announced my decision to try breastfeeding when I was pregnant, it was returned with very little support.

When my daughter first latched, something felt off. I couldn't explain it. I also thought no one would be allowed in the delivery room, so I didn't let her nurse as long as she wanted so we could rush upstairs to post-partum so everyone could see her.

The day following her delivery she was very sleepy and had trouble attaching for feedings. I talked to the lactation consultant who wanted me to use a nipple shield and the football hold, both of which I could never figure out. I also didn't know I should wake her to nurse every 2-3 hours so my milk could come in. Her first night home was rough. She wanted to stay cuddled right next to me, so I didn't sleep a wink. Those first few days home were the worst. I had read that a good latch would hurt initially, but shouldn't continue to hurt during feedings. But hers did, a sharp wincing pain that was so bad I was to the point where I would dread feeding her. I found that lying down to nurse helped her latch in a way that wasn't painful for me.

Tips to Help Your Baby Cope with Daylight Saving Time + Giveaway

This interview opportunity is sponsored by Pampers.

We'll soon be turning the clocks forward as Daylight Saving Time is quickly approaching, leading many moms to wonder how the time change will affect their baby, especially when it comes to little one's sleeping patterns. “How will my baby adjust to the time change?” and “Will that mean a different wake up time?” are just a few questions mothers may have.

I recently had the opportunity to interview “The Sleep Lady” Kim West to help ease moms’ concerns by offering essential sleep tips. Kim West is a mother of two teenage girls and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been a practicing child and family therapist for more than twenty years. Known as The Sleep Lady® by her clients, she has helped tens of thousands of tired parents all over the world get a good night’s sleep without letting their children cry it out alone. Kim has appeared on Dr. Phil, the Today Show and Good Morning America and is the author of three books: “GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT: The Sleep Lady’s Gentle Guide to Helping Your Child Go to Sleep, Stay Asleep and Wake Up Happy”, the “Good Night, Sleep Tight Workbook” and “52 Sleep Secrets for Babies.

Check out the video below! Please remember this was my first interview EVER and I was super nervous. I tried to think of different questions that maybe not many other bloggers would ask.

Struggling for New Mom Support

I'm a Sisterhood of Motherhood Partner and am a sponsored blog partner, but all opinions here are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure.

When you are a new mom, the main thing you need is support. But it doesn't come naturally for some. But finding a support system is one of the most important things you can do for yourself as a new mom.


When I was a first time pregnant mom, I thought I knew everything about being a mom because I had worked at a day care, been a nanny for five years, and taken countless child care classes. I certainly learned after those first few days that I really had no clue what I was doing. I had read book after book about pregnancy and labor, but I didn't think to read about what to do when the baby got here.

Tips for Expecting Parents by Lindsay Pinchuk of Bump Club + Win a Month of Huggies Little Snugglers!

This post is brought to you by Huggies.
We’ve partnered with Lindsay Pinchuk, founder & CEO of Bump Club, to provide this wonderful list of tips for expecting parents.


How to Survive the Holidays with Tips from Safety 1st!

This post is brought to you by Safety 1st.

The Holidays can be a chaotic and sometimes stressful time. But with these helpful tips from Safety 1st, you can have less stress and a more enjoyable Holiday season.

Physical Changes of Pregnancy {+ $50 CVS Gift Card Giveaway}

This post is sponsored by P&G and CVS. All opinions are my own.

People will tell you that your body will change after pregnancy and you won't believe them. You may say, I'm going to work out and et everything back to the way it was before (or better)! Yeah I said that too. And while you can get your pre-baby body back in some ways, there are some things that are just going to be different after you have a baby. Here are some things that changed for me, your experience (will hopefully) be different. Just be aware that this is also a TMI post (what is up with that this week), but there is a giveaway at the end of this one too. :)

Baby Safety Month + #Coverplug Giveaway

Although I received free products to share this giveaway, all opinions are my own.

As Baby Safety Month comes to a close, I thought I would share a little round up of the safety tips on the blog plus have a little giveaway. This post is not to be judgmental, it is just to inform. I have made almost ALL of these mistakes along the way and I hope you can learn from me.

Image Found HERE

Need Parenting Advice? Introducing SmartMom!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of SmartMom.

Everyone needs a little parenting advice every now and then. It's okay to admit it. I know I do. When my daughter was a baby we struggled with breastfeeding so much. And I had NO physical support around me. I didn't know where to turn to and although we managed to make it to 14 months, it was a LONG battle. But why? Because I didn't have an access to easy support like SmartMom. Parenting has been easier this time around because now there's an app where advice is available 24/7, right from your smart phone.

Bringing Home Baby: Preparing Your Furbaby

Welcome back to our series! This is actually the first week of the series and I wanted to talk something I was so worried about during my first pregnancy. I was so worried that my dog would be jealous ofour newest little one and attack her or act out in another way. He did have a few little adjustments that needed to be made once she came home, but he never hurt her and was a very caring big brother from the start. I wrote a post back in July about our full introducing your new baby to your dog story, but here are some key points that can help you prepare your furbaby for the change. Please note that I am NOT an animal trainer and your results may vary, this is just what worked for us.

preparing Your Furbaby

1. Play videos of babies crying. We all know that dogs ears are sensitive to loud noises. And a babies cry can be ear piercing, especially to smaller dogs. Their first reaction may to bark when they hear it and this can cause your little one to cry even more, creating an unnecessary cycle of crying & calming that could have been unavoidable. I found a ton a of videos on YouTube and played multiple nightly (since I worked during the day) for my Bichon. And when we brought SweetPea home, he didn't cry, but alerted me she was crying by running to her. It was very sweet and this is the same method I am going to use this time around.

2. Bring blanket for the dog to smell. My in-laws brought a blanket for our dog to smell that had her scent on it. It may seem silly, but this way your dog can get the baby's scent before hand, you can kind of gauge your dog's reaction to it, they become familiar with it, and they won't jump on the baby to try and sniff them when you first arrive home.

3. Main caregiver needs to introduce them. My dog considers me his "pet", as I am the one who feeds him, bathes him, disciplines him, and everything that goes along with taking care of a dog. So when it came time for SweetPea and my dog to meet, I wanted to be the one to introduce them. As you can see from the picture above, he took to her very well - as long as he had a spot by mommy too. I just went towards him slow with her. I made sure to let him sniff her very slowly, so he could get a feel of er. I think he was more excited that we were home after spending 2 nights away.

4. Know Your Dog. We have a very mild mannered dog. But he is still a wild animal, even though he is trained. When he is at home, in his environment, he is very mellow for the most part. So if you have a hyper dog, you may find that you have more issues bringing a new little one home. I suggest talking to a trainer and seeing what you can do well BEFORE you bring your baby home.

5. Set Boundaries. Your dog needs to learn that although they are still a big part of your life, they aren't "top dog" anymore. How I showed my dog that he needed to respect the baby was by making sure that he didn't go into her nursery, unless myself or my husband were in there with him. I started doing this before my daughter was born.

6. Make Time for Your Furbaby. It can be hard to juggle everything that comes with a newborn. But it is very important that you still make time for your dog. Go for walks, even if baby is in tow too, your dog will still feel like you are spending time with them. Find ways to make sure your dog still knows that you love them too.

Below is a linky to share your baby posts. Please feel free to play along! You can view the full list of other posts coming your way, HERE.

Do you have any tips for introducing your new baby and furbaby?

Car Seat Safety

Car Seat Safety from a mom who makes mistakes

As a mommy, you live and learn. Fortunately this lesson, I read and didn't have to live through because it could have been horrific if circumstances were different. And being Child Passenger Safety Week, I wanted to review what a lot of parents (including me) don't know.
I am a mom who has made mistakes. I do not judge or criticize other parents decision. I try to inform the best I can. And that what this is about. I am not an expert nor do I claim to be, but I do have experience. In the image above my daughter is riding in a Toyota Corolla. I now have a van. The reason I longer have that car anymore is because I got in a terrible car accident. My daughter and friend's daughter were in the car with me. If it wasn't for the car seat safety messages I had taken, something horrible could have happened. Thank fully everyone was safe. Now, let's keep those babies safe.

Car Seat Safety

This picture is of my five day old daughter. She was born in the winter so in my new mommy head, I thought "I don't want her to be cold so I will put this cute (but very unpractical) snow suit on her". We live in Georgia. I had a car seat blanket cover. I don't know if you have ever seen one of these things but here is what they look like:

Graco Car Seat Blanket

Why couldn't I have used that? 

Instead I endangered my baby's life. A few days after I did this, I read an article about taking your infant on their first outing and car seat safety. And it talked about how you shouldn't have a coat or blanket in between your child and the restraints because if you were to get in a car accident, your child could get seriously injured.

I felt terrible immediately and never did anything like this again.

Another thing that I did and looking back on it am still upset with myself, I might have used an expired car seat. I say might have because I couldn't find an expiration date. Just because a car seat doesn't have an expiration date, doesn't mean it's not expired. Since older car seats aren't required to have the expiration date on them, you don't know if they are expired or not.

Car Seat Safety
This is the carseat my mother-in-law bought from God's know where. I feel it is unsafe because it doesn't have an exp date and the straps do this.

A car seat expiration means, safety requirements might have changed, restraints wear out over time just from everyday use, aging plastic, a car seat ideally less than five years old and DEFINITELY less than ten. (Contact the manufacturer or look for the serial number online to find an expiration date.)

 If you MUST use a secondhand seat, make sure it has the original instructions (or contact the manufacturer for a replacement copy), has all its parts (check the manual), has never been involved in a serious accident, and hasn't been recalled. (Check your seat's recall status here.)

Another thing that I am mad at myself for is forward facing my baby before I should have. I got the okay from the pediatrician and I had outside pressures. Why did I let those pressures overwhelm me? She wasn't ready. The American Academy of Pediatrics says keep your child rear-facing until age two. Or AT LEAST pay attention to the car seat's weight and height requirements (must meet both).

Car Seat Safety
Moved forward facing TOO early. See where her shoulders are?

I hope you find this article helpful. Don't make the same mistakes I did. And please, please, please keep those babies safe.

This post may contain sponsored material.

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Tips for Vacationing with an Infant

Panama City Beach here we come! Yes there are TWO WEEKS until our vacation so (since I am doing my own bit of packing) I thought I would share my advice and experience for packing with a small child/infant.

There are SO many things you need when you are going on vacation for a child. Things that aren't even in your normal every day life that you wouldn't think about packing.

First of all you need to think about where your child is going to sleep. We took a pack-n-play for my daughter to sleep in last year and plan to do the same this year. BUT if you have limited space, maybe you can call the hotel/condo and see if they have a crib, pull away bed, pack-n-play, or some other portable bed for your child to sleep in. Some nights my daughter would end up in the bed with us. I was still nursing and it was only in the wee hours of the morning. This is what she was use to at home though. I suggest trying to stick to your normal sleep schedule as much as possible or slightly adjust it as the days go on. Just remember that when you get home, your child will still be on vacation time if you change their normal routine too much.

Next thing to consider is food. If your baby is on formula, you should DEFINITELY bring enough formula for the entire trip so you can make sure you can get the good deals. What I highly suggest is buying snacks or foods that your child loves but doesn't get very often, that way when you are out at a restaurant, they have their pre-meal snack and are pre-occupied with it as well. And if you don't mind nursing in public then I wouldn't worry about a pump. But if you milk share or are a power pumper and you are flying, I would call the airline ahead to make sure they know you are bringing breastmilk on board and ask for any of the rules that go with that.

Okay so now that the two main factors are considered. Remember you are going to need two outfits per day. Plus an extra outfit, just in case. Also bring as many bathing suits as you have. If you can afford it, I suggest getting at least two bathing suits for your little one. That way they don't have to put on a cold one. Little ones just don't understand and won't want to put it on or will scream, so it will save you the headache.
Remember the sunscreen! I suggest BabyGanics because the FDA doesn't regulate sunscreen and this one is really the safest for baby on the market. 
Also remember to bring any loveys and a backup if you have it. Also anything that will make the new place like home. If you do a bed time routine that includes reading, then bring books. If your child prefers a certain type of sippy cup, bring only that kind along. Children don't do well with change and this will make the adjustment easier and help you stay sane.
Other Quicklist Helpful Tips:
*Start preparing to pack a few days before you travel. Keep a running list of things to take, or put items out on a table or dresser as you think of them.
*Use a diaper bag with a waterproof lining and a shoulder strap.
*Be prepared for leaky diapers and baby spit-up if you are traveling by airplane: Tuck an extra outfit or two for your baby – and an extra shirt for you – into your carry-on bag.
*Prevent leaks by packing medicines and toiletries in resealable plastic bags.
*Pack each of your baby's outfits in its own zipped plastic bag so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.
*Take your camera, battery charger, and an extra memory card.
*Take the phone number for your baby's healthcare provider in case you have questions while you're on the road.
 Congratulations. You are now going on a trip with a child. It is no longer a vacation. But you will still have a blast!
 Did I miss anything? Leave me a comment letting me know what is something you ALWAYS remember to pack. :)

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HFM, Stye Eye, and The Case of the Bad Bubble Bath

With a child you learn about things that you never thought wold be an issue. In the past few weeks my family has been dealing with Hand, Foot, Mouth or HFM, Sty/Stye also known as Hordeolum, and then a suspected urinary tract infection believed to be caused by bubble baths.

She seems pretty happy about it.
        First of all I had never heard of HFM. As most of you know, I worked at a day care and was a nanny for five years. I never have even crossed a case of HFM. But apparently it is on the rise. What it is are small red bumps located on the child's hands, feet, mouth, and around their buttock. According to the pediatrician, there is a rise in outbreaks and my daughter had a very mild case because she was showing little to no signs of pain. She did not want to eat which is normal considering that is where the bumps first appear. The cause is from children putting their hands or feet in their mouth. If the child's hand aren't properly washed all the time then the germs can cause this. As with other things, I believe there really isn't a rise of this disease just a more knowledgeable population.

Next on to Stye Eye. The little girl I take care of has a stye that she may have to get removed. Styes are not suppose to last more than two weeks and although not painful can be irritating. They are usually caused by germs getting in the eye due to excessive rubbing of the eyes. The way to get rid of a stye is by making sure the area stays clean, avoiding touching the eye, and warm compresses 4 to 5 times a day.

The Case of the Bad Bubble Bath:

Did you know that you are not suppose to use bubble bath even as an adult? The FDA says they can not regulate any shampoo, conditioner, other hair products, soaps, body wash, or bubble baths because they are not considered something that is consumed. But these types of products go over our eyes, ears, mouths, and pores through out our skin. For 25 years studies have shown that bubble baths are not safe but yet now we have Sponge Bob Bubble Bath, they even make a variety of Baby Bubble Baths. I did not know I wasn't suppose to be giving my daughter bubble baths. I remember having bubble baths as a child and thought what better way to make a bath fun.  My daughter was showing signs of discomfort so we took her to the doctor. I wish it didn't come to my daughter's discomfort for me to realize that the chemicals used in your everyday products, aren't always as safe as you think they are. The doctor said let them play in the plain water, then stand them up, wash them off, rinse off with a cup or bucket of some sort, and take them out. And as cute as bubble bath pictures are, they aren't worth the discomfort of your little one.

This all basically comes down to this...wash your child's hands as often as you would your own and watch the labels on the products you use. Also do research. I would have never guessed bubble bath was harmful until this happened. So if you don't know what a chemical on a label is, then look it up. HFM, Stye, and Bubble Bath mishaps are all common mistakes that I just don't want you to make. And if you are reading this thinking it could never happen to me, well I thought that same thing.

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Best Breastfeeding Advice I Ever Received

I breastfed my daughter for a year. And it was hard. I struggled with supply issues and the pain in the beginning was almost unbearable (she had trouble latching on). The lactation consultant wanted me to use a nipple shield which only confused me. But I worked through it and we actually made it to fourteen months. And I'm not gonna lie, yes she self weaned but I encouraged it because I wanted my body back. And saying all that, I can't wait to do it with my next baby. It was such a wonderful experience. The snuggling, the bond, the empowerment! It's amazing what a woman's body is capable of doing. Not only can you give birth but you can make food! It's wonderful and even through the hard parts I loved every minute of it.

Breastfeeding Advice

It's World Breastfeeding Week, and in honor of it, I decided I would tell you the best advice ever given to me.

World Breastfeeding Week
1. It's hard but you can do it. - There are so many things that can happen, low supply issues, thrush, mastitis, poor latching. But with each one you can work through it. My daughter had poor latching in the beginning due to an undiagnosed lip tie and my body conformed to her, we just had to keep working at it. We also had low supply issues, I nursed frequently, pumped, took fenugreek, and ate breastfeeding cookies. The cookies were the best part. ;)

2. Use nipple cream after EVERY time you nurse. - Your nipples get chapped and that sucks. I suggest Lansinoh.

3. Wake that baby up and nurse every two hours. - Once your colostrum is gone, your milk needs to come in and this is the only to make sure it does. My daughter was jaundice so I received this advice from her pediatrician, FIVE days after she was born. I have a very PRO-breastfeeding pediatrician and without this advice my milk may never have come in. Also feed on demand. Nursing should be your go to thing when your baby cries. And nurse when you feel like you need to. This will help your milk come in, keep your supply up, and help you from getting engorged. If you can't nurse when you feel the need to, then pump.

Breastfeeding Bond
I miss this.
4. It's really not as exhausting as you think. - You are exhausted in the beginning just by having a newborn. Breastfeeding won't change that. Don't give up just because you think it's exhausting. What's more exhausting? Turning over and nursing your little one or going to make a bottle and then feeding a screaming baby?

5. Push through it. - My husband said this. He wasn't quite on board with breastfeeding and I think that had to do with the fact, he had never known someone to breastfeed and we were new parents. He said this to me after a long night and I was crying from exhaustion. He said remember you wanted this and you know it's best for her, so push through it. I think this goes along with, 'You can do it'. But it really does needs to be emphasized.

So what was the best breastfeeding advice you heard? And for you pregnant-first time moms, why are you looking forward to nursing?

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Supply Boosting, Milk Making Cookie Recipe

These cookies are so YUMMY! I got them from Dr.Momma.org - Peaceful Parenting.

Major Milk Makin' Cookies
Recipe by Kathleen Major
Detailed recipe with photos found here

1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1 3/4 c. oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3/4 c. almond butter or peanut butter
1/2 c. butter, softened
1 c. flax
3 T brewer's yeast (I bought the wrong kind but you need this to help with supply)
1/3 c. water
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs
2 c. (12oz) chocolate chips (I used white chocolate)
1 c. chopped nuts of your choice (I used Macadamia)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in a bowl.
In a large bowl, beat almond butter, butter, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, brewer's yeast, flax and water until creamy.
Mix in eggs.
Gradually beat in flour mixture.
Mix in nuts and chocolate chips.
Add oats slowly, mixing along the way.

Place balls of dough onto greased baking sheets or baking stones.
Press down each ball lightly with a fork.
Bake 12 minutes.


CIO or Cry It Out. I can NOT do this method. I was always the one (before I ever got pregnant) to say, 'Oh they'll be fine, just let them cry'. In fact I pretty sure I said this to a few of my friends who had babies.

Being a nanny I never had to use this method. Both kids would just go to sleep when you put them in a crib or bed. Of course I don't know how they would do at night.

My niece was always a screamer because she had TERRIBLE acid relux. And my nephew would sleep anywhere!

Parents.com and WhatToExpect.com has informed me that I should let my child 'cry it out' so she will learn to self-soothe. I can NOT do this.

naptime problems and solutions according to parents.com

CIO according to what to expect

Baby Bedtime Mistakes to Avoid according to Parents.com

It's actually quite funny because 'Raising Hope' just did an episode about this.

I've really, truly never have been a big fan of the CIO method. I don't see how people couldn't just get to a certain point and pick the baby up. I know this is one of those BIG controversial mom debates. But I want to know, is there a way to adjust them without crying?

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Ears Pierced

Since I have a little girl this has been a hot topic of discussion lately in my personal life and online.

I have decided we will wait until she tells us she wants it done. My mom did with me and in my opinion that's what's best. She is my daughter and that is how I see it.

See here's the thing I cried when she got her shots and those were things she needed. I couldn't imagine putting pointless holes into my daughter that will leave scars on her just because 'they look cute'. If she decides she wants her ears pierced than we will get them done for her. I want to be able to explain to her what is going on. People like to say the issue is pain. I got mine done at five and I can't remember the pain. I got my second holes done at 13 and I can't remember the pain. Just because a doctor's office will do it doesn't mean it is necessarily a good thing. Plus, when she is older I can teach her how to take care of them herself and I don't have to worry about one more thing as a new mom.

My husband and I agree on this issue. We have before she was born.

Another issue people point out is comparing it to circumcision. Yes, if we had/have a little boy we would get him circumcised. The reason we would do this is because his father is and we wouldn't want him to feel awkward. To me there is no comparison. They are two totally different things. And we are not saying we would NEVER get her ears pierced. We just don't want to until she's old enough to accept the responsibility herself since it is not a necessary thing. But we will only get them done if SHE CHOOSES to. It's her body, her ears, her decision.

Now I do not judge others who do it. I actually do think it looks cute. I just don't feel like it's my decision to make.

So Momma's with little girls (or soon-to-bes) what are you going to do? What's your view on the issue?

7 Things I Won't Feel Guilty About

I was going through my Facebook feed and I follow babycenter. They posted an interesting blog, so I thought I would share my views. :)

"I always knew that the moment I held my baby in my arms for the first time I’d feel love like never before. What I didn’t know was that with great love, comes paralyzing fear and massive guilt. Wasn’t quite prepared for that." - read more posted in Honor of BabyCenter's Guilt-Free Parenting Week. So here are the things I won't feel guilty about as a new mom:

Making Parenting Mistakes 1. Making Mistakes. (At least I'll try not to feel guilty.) This is my first baby so I'm going to make mistakes. Example: We took Sweet Pea to the park on Sunday. It was windy and sunny. We forgot a sun hat. I rocked her to sleep on the swing, making sure to cover her face, and then I put her in her stroller so the wind and sun would be off her. As they say, 'You live and learn.'

2. Breastfeeding. Sometimes I have to nurse in public. My baby doesn't take a bottle from me. And I am a terrible pumper (or it could be my pump). Why would she when mommy is so close by? She is also already developing a stranger anxiety with people she doesn't see often (I didn't know they developed it this early but apparently they do). So please explain to me what I'm suppose to do? I cover up and it's the most natural thing in the world. All mammals do it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, don't look.

Daddy Helping Out 3. Passing her off to Daddy when he gets home from work. Two reasons this doesn’t bother me: One, being the only caregiver all night and day is tiring, and I am appropriately exhausted by the time someone else walks in the door, and two, I know daddy misses his baby time as much as Sweet Pea misses her daddy time. :]

Not Doing Housework 4. Not Doing Housework. I won’t feel guilty about putting my baby before my housework. Some things are more important in life. She will only be this age once, the housework will still be there.

5. Letting her be a Kid. I will not feel guilty about her watching TV or eating out every once in a while when she gets older. I did when I was a kid and so did my husband and we are capable, functioning adults. I will raise my kid and not have the TV do it for me. I will not feel guilty about letting her get dirty and be a kid. Jumping in puddles is dirty and fun. And as I said before they are only this age once.

Co-Sleeping 6. Co-sleeping. Nursing has been great for us so far but I was completely incapable of sitting up to nurse at 12, 2, 4, and 6 when she was a newborn. We figured out the side-lying nursing thing and haven’t looked back. Now she doesn't sleep in our bed the entire night like she did when she was a newborn but I enjoyed every minute of it when she did and I actually miss it now.

Our Birth Story 7. My Birth Story. Lastly, I was induced because of my blood pressure, I had an epidural because I'm a wuss. I only wanted my husband in there with me because no one was there when we created her. I love my birth story and no one is going to make me feel guilty or try to steal my joy about it one way or the other. And that is that.

So mommas or soon-to-bes, what are some things you refuse to feel guilty about?

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