Supporting Loved Ones Through Tough Times: Practical Tips and Advice
How To Prepare Your Child For A Successful Adult Life
Why We Need to Teach Children to Be The Boss of Their Bodies
I don't make my kids hug or kiss anyone they don't want to. I was never forced to as a child because different experiences that my mother had growing up. I was always thankful that my mom never made me because I would go through phases of being shy.
Quite a few years ago now, my husband's family had a Christmas party and my husband's Aunt told my daughter to come give her a hug. My daughter looked at me timid and I told her she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to. So she didn't hug her and just said, "Merry Christmas". Later, my mother-in-law confronted me about how she thought this was rude and "It was just Aunt [name redacted]". This was an uncomfortable conversation since I don't like confrontation, but it needed to be said. It wasn't about undermining or embarrassing anyone, but educating. I told her that I would never force my children to be hugged or kissed by anyone even if that person is their Great Aunt because it's their body. I also mentioned how they don't know her very well because they don't remember seeing her at all. I don't know what changed my mother-in-law's mind for sure, but she no longer expects the grandkids to hug anyone that they don't want to.
The reason I have this rule is simply, I don't want my kids to be groomed for sexual abuse.
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The 3 Major Challenges Of Parenthood, And How To Own Them
There are many parents out there. Not all of them are skilled for the task. Some learn, others do not. Some do all they can, others skirt the responsibility. That being said, all have to face universal parenting challenges that take time to show. For some, delayed responses to speech development can leave them worried, other children may have special needs, while others may suffer medical issues. Even if your child is lucky enough to avoid all of these potential issues, they still have the difficult task of learning how to be a human being at their fingertips. That’s tough, and it’s tough for you to raise a human being from scratch. Technically, you’re still a relatively young person before the age of 40. You can’t know all the answers.
So, what are these challenges, and how can they be overcome? Let’s discuss:
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How To Make Bedtime Easier
Why I Removed YouTube from My Child's Tablet
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When To Take Your Child to the Eye Doctor

I am not a doctor, this is just our experience.