Finding A Healthy Work-Life Balance: Advice For Moms

Many women want to work after having children, but it’s not always easy to balance parenting with holding down a job or running a business. If your schedule is packed, or you’re looking for ways to find a healthier work-life balance, here is some helpful advice.

Finding A Healthy Work-Life Balance: Advice For Moms

How to Be a Successful Stay at Home Mom-Student: The Ultimate Guide

When bringing life into the world, many of your waking hours will be spent tending to your children’s every want and need. As you progress through motherhood, there may come a point where you reassess your situation and decide it’s time to go back into education. Gaining new skills and credentials can help you command a higher salary, which is vital for supporting your family and everything that goes with it.

How to Be a Successful Stay at Home Mom-Student: The Ultimate Guide

Many stay at home moms opt for online learning which provides freedom and flexibility, allowing you to study at home and at a pace that suits you. However, with children to look after along the way, juggling your duties can be difficult. To help, here is a guide on how to be a successful mom-student.

How To Define Your Own Beauty Standard

When we think of ‘beauty standards,’ it’s not hard to think of oppressive, unhappy and often limiting criteria that we feel we must meet before we feel our best selves. This is, of course, certainly a wish to fit the ideal, but also a wish to fit the beauty standards proposed to us through marketing, and often, that can be stifling.

How To Define Your Own Beauty Standard

It may feel as though we’re free from this once we settle down with a partner, have a baby and become more sure of ourselves, but that’s not always the case, in fact, the very natural and normal process our body has been through can somehow give us cause to feel even more insecure.

Even something as natural and beautiful as having children makes you feel as if you’re somehow a lesser person, there’s obviously something wrong in that equation. For that reason, defining your own beauty standard in motherhood (or at any time) is very important and can help you feel as radiant as you deserve to feel.

Let’s consider how this is possible:

Balancing Life as a Working Mom

Balancing Life as a Working Mom

Whether you are working from home or working back in the office, balancing life as a working mom can be a struggle. You wear so many hats and juggle so many balls, it can seem overwhelming at times. Here are some ways you can find some balance to make life a little simpler.

Stressed Out Parents: Some Thoughts To Relax

Things can get stressful at the best of times. Parents often report higher levels of stress than childless adults. Indeed, having a young child, for instance, is one of the most commonly quoted reasons for stress. Having children with a difficult temperament or medical, emotional, or behavioral problems can contribute to your heightened emotional state. Additionally, financial worries and relationship conflicts can also affect parents and increase their sensitivity to child-related pressure.

Stressed Out Parents: Some Thoughts To Relax

At a global level, parents in the U.S. are at the greatest disadvantage as their environment can also trigger stress. It is a vicious cycle. Your emotional well-being can feel compromised by a variety of things, from social isolation to exposure to pollution. As you experience stress, you also worry about your ability to protect your children from the things causing your discomfort. All this contributes to parental stress. Sometimes, it would be fantastic to leave your worries behind and embrace parenthood with a clear and peaceful mind. Making time for yourself is a no-brainer. Working out regularly can help tackle stress. Therefore, scheduling fitness as your me-time can help tackle stress levels and improve your family bonds. But some other coping tricks can do wonders for parental stress too.

7 Reasons Every Mother Should Try Meditation

No one can stress enough how stressful being a mother can be. With the time and nurturing your children need and all the other things the household demands, it’s important that you’re able to manage all these stress and frustrations to maintain a happy home for your family. A healthy way to do this is through meditation.

7 Reasons Every Mother Should Try Meditation

Meditation has become known as one of the most effective ways to relieve stress, helping you overcome unpleasant emotions, manage difficult behavior, and most importantly, become more effective and relaxed as you carry out your parenting duties.

There are different types of meditation that you can try to see which best fits your needs. You can make it a part of your daily routine or use it as a technique to quickly aid in your stress response.

4 Tips for Reducing Stress as a Busy Mom

Being a mom is a demanding responsibility; therefore, adding a career into this equation adds more pressure. Parenting is an unpredictable duty. It brings something new every day, and due to this, even perfect plans can sometimes turn awful. This makes several moms experience stress in many circumstances in their lives.

4 Tips for Reducing Stress as a Busy Mom

Although feeling stressed is quite normal, it can lead to severe mental and physical issues when it persists. Therefore, it is essential to find solutions that combat and reduce stress. The following are some tips you can use to reduce stress as a working mom.

3 Stress-Busting Ideas for Busy Moms

Being a parent is amazing, but there is no doubt it is also a relentless task. When you are a mom, there are never any days off, and your own needs tend to be put in last place. Often life is so busy you don’t have the time or energy to think about self-care, let alone put it into practice.

3 Stress-Busting Ideas for Busy Moms

Over the past year, with quarantines in place and physical distancing measures, parents have been under increased stress as they try to homeschool the kids as well as work at home and keep up with chores. Under these circumstances, it is little surprise so many parents are feeling incredibly stressed and exhausted due to this unprecedented situation. As life returns to normal, you might be looking forward to the opportunity to focus on yourself a little more and to have the time for some self-care.

Being in a state of chronic stress is bad for your wellbeing and health, so it is crucial to find effective methods to reduce your stress levels. Why not give some of these stress-busting ideas a try to see what works for you?

Perfecting Your Morning Is No Simple Task, But Resoundingly Worth It

Every morning we have a set of decisions to make about how we structure our day and what we prioritize first and foremost. Of course, this can differ depending on the circumstances that surround you. If your child feels unwell one morning, it’s hard to perform every other task as you would have, for instance. That said, in large strokes, it’s good to have a morning schedule.

Perfecting Your Morning Is No Simple Task, But Resoundingly Worth It

We have discussed the power of routines and habits beforehand, and that advice applies thoroughly. But what about figuring out how to perfect a morning, and how to make it open your day with the most energy and enthusiasm possible? As many of us are aware, the quality of your morning often dictates just how you feel for the rest of the day. Fall out of bed ten minutes before you have to set off for work, for instance, and you’ll no doubt feel a lot different than you may have waking up earlier, meditating, and stretching.

Without falling into overbearing disciplinary measures, let’s consider how you can perfect your morning going forward. Please, consider:

Routines To Instill As A New Parent

It can be easy to let our new baby overwhelm our daily routine. It can be easy to let the day slip by and not have any time for yourself. If you find yourself agreeing with this, then you should rethink your routine. You need to become more organized and scheduled with your days so that you take some time for yourself as well as the baby.

Routines To Instill As A New Parent

Although it is vital to care for your baby first, you also need to look after yourself. Whether you are waiting for the due date or are a new parent already, here are some tips for how to create a better routine. 

Regaining Your Confidence After Becoming A Mom For The First Time

Pregnancy is one of the most difficult periods of your life with so many ups and downs. There are some amazing things about it but there are also some real lows. It’s all worth it though because, at the end of it all, you have a beautiful baby.

Regaining Your Confidence After Becoming A Mom For The First Time

Most moms expect to feel on top of the world and often, they do. But many mothers also experience a lot of confidence issues after giving birth. Hormones have a role to play and your body has been through a lot of changes too, which can knock your self-esteem. As a new parent, it’s only natural that you will feel completely out of your depth but when mothers start feeling like they’re falling short of their duties as a parent, this can have a big impact on confidence too. 

If you are feeling like your confidence has taken a hit after giving birth, these are some of the best ways to get it back. 

5 Useful Services for Busy Moms

5 Useful Services for Busy Moms

Everyone knows being a parent isn’t easy, but unless you are one, it can be hard to truly understand how chaotic life can get when you’re trying to run a household, raise children, and balancing a career all at the same time. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you will face challenges every day, and it can be hard to find the time to fit in all your daily responsibilities. This is why it’s worth considering some of the services listed below, as they might help you manage your schedule a bit better as well as allowing you a bit more time for yourself! 

Be Prepared For Your Baby, But Think Of Number One, Too

In older times, having children was not perceived as a burden but as a good in itself. Is motherhood a neutral event, which each age has positive or negative connotations? Of course not. Parenting, parenting, and childcare should be enjoyable in itself.

The behaviors that are essential for the survival of the individual or the species produce pleasure. Animals do not know that food contains nutrients necessary to live nor that sex is necessary to reproduce. They act motivated by pleasure. It is necessary to care for and feed children for years. No animal does it for as long as humans, so it is a complicated and lengthy process. We often bow down to the social norms of today without giving a second thought to our own mental health. Additionally, there appears to be an essential feedback mechanism that the more you care for a baby, the more you want to continue to care for it. You fall in love. 

Everyday Situations Where Little Hacks Can Help

Being a parent is hard work. It’s something everyone knows, but people sometimes find it difficult to acknowledge! As much as you love your kids, and treasure experiencing every moment of them growing up, they can also drive you up the wall. Many of the most common problems that new (and old) parents have are so well-known they’ve almost become clichés. The tired parent who’s not getting any sleep, the children refusing to eat their green veg, running away before a trip to the dentist, asking ‘why’ to every statement… the list goes on! Yet these clichés exist because they describe something very real - the wonderful, demanding, crazy reality of raising a child.

You may encounter these problems every day, and sometimes more than one, and it can be hard to know how to counter them. They are the kind of situations where little life hacks, little ways of making everything a bit easier, can go a very long way. These hacks certainly can’t solve everything, and they’ll work better for some than others, but they’re worth giving a try - you never know, it could change your life! 

The Ultimate New Mom Gift Guide

When a baby comes along, new moms are usually inundated with gifts. In fact, you can expect items like baby gowns, outfits, cute hats, and shoes. Then there are the bigger things like pushchairs, prams, baby baths and evening bottle sterilizers. The thing is, that while as a new mom receiving gifts to help care for your baby is lovely, it is also sometimes nice to get something that is specifically for you as well. After all, new moms have already done a pretty fantastic job for 9 months plus the labor, and her work is only just beginning. The good news is that there are plenty of thoughtful gifts guaranteed to put a smile on the face of a new mom. Just keep reading to find out what they are.

The Ultimate New Mom Gift Guide

The 3 Major Challenges Of Parenthood, And How To Own Them

Parenthood is not easy. If anyone has told you otherwise, it’s time to reassess how honest they were with you. While having the fifth child might not be so much of a novel experience as the first, as you’re now prepared and know what to deal with, you still have one more child to look after. That takes time, energy, enthusiasm, and bundles of love to take part in well.

There are many parents out there. Not all of them are skilled for the task. Some learn, others do not. Some do all they can, others skirt the responsibility. That being said, all have to face universal parenting challenges that take time to show. For some, delayed responses to speech development can leave them worried, other children may have special needs, while others may suffer medical issues. Even if your child is lucky enough to avoid all of these potential issues, they still have the difficult task of learning how to be a human being at their fingertips. That’s tough, and it’s tough for you to raise a human being from scratch. Technically, you’re still a relatively young person before the age of 40. You can’t know all the answers.

So, what are these challenges, and how can they be overcome? Let’s discuss:

Mother's Day Gift Ideas You Can Order and Ship

Mother's Day is quickly approaching. Have you thought about what you are sending to your loved one? During these unprecedented times, I thought I would share what you can do for your mom or grandmother or matriarch of your family that you can buy online and ship straight to their door. I have shared in the past gift ideas for mom that don't cost any money and while some of them may still be able to be done, some can't. When you can't be there in person because you are protecting the person you love, then these are great options to share.

Empower Yourself with These 3 Confidence Boosters

Confidence is like a superpower. It's believing in yourself that enables you to go after what you want, or simply, enjoy your life. Lacking self-confidence is just as powerful. The hold this void has on you prevents you from reaching your potential and steals any chance for joy.

The truth is that you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life, so you might as well like (possibly love?) who you are! If you're tired of constantly putting yourself down, experiment with these three tactics that can help give you a long-lasting confidence boost.

Devotionals for Busy Mom Life

I have been attending church now with my kids since last March. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I stopped going when I met my husband years ago. They even mention sometimes that it can happen. He didn't go, so I stopped going. It was right, but that's what happened. And then I was scared to go by myself for so long. Why I have no idea. But then I did the "scary thing" and started back. I am so glad I made that decision for myself and family.

We have learned so much and it has helped me through so rough patches. I have anxiety and am stressed a lot, recently I have seen online that so many others mothers are too. So I thought I would share some devotionals that may help.  

How to Make Stay at Home Mom Life More Productive

I had to learn “how to be a stay at home mom”. It is a life that relies on consistency and schedule whether you like that life or not. That was the only way I found I could get anything done. It is also a job that requires you to think on your feet and go with the flow, regardless of what “has to get done” that day. And it can be a job that is mentally draining. Here are some of my tips on how to make stay at home mom life more productive.

How to Make Stay at Home Mom Life More Productive