How to Inspire a Reluctant Reader

Stop sparring with your kiddos and try these tactics
Let's face it—some adolescents approach reading with all the enthusiasm of a snail on a Monday morning. This can be aggravating and demoralizing as a parent or educator (since we all know the value of reading), but we’ve got some ideas on how to ignite a new obsession between reluctant readers and words.

How to Inspire a Reluctant Reader

How To Ensure Your Child Learns Something New This Summer

Various academic studies have found that children learn much quicker than adults. In many ways, their brains are like sponges - ready and willing to absorb as much knowledge as possible.

As a result, whether you homeschool or your child attends the local elementary school, you must be able to feed this hunger for knowledge during the summer. After all, while they’ve definitely earned a break from desks and homework, that doesn’t mean they can’t learn something new.

How To Ensure Your Child Learns Something New This Summer

With that in mind, here are some simple ways in which you can ensure your child learns something new during their summer vacation!

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Productive Home Schooling Environment

Keeping your children motivated and productive can be challenging for any parent, let alone those who have taken up the challenge of homeschooling. While juggling work-from-home responsibilities and other commitments, finding an ideal environment to facilitate productive homeschooling requires creativity. It is essential to note that there is more to creating a perfect homeschool environment than providing books and supplies.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Productive Home Schooling Environment

Here are some practical tips for creating a productive homeschooling environment:

A Complete Guide to Online Learning for Kids

Is your kid starting online classes? Here is a guide with the best tips for remote learning to achieve stellar educational performance.

The Top Guide for Kids to Make the Most of Online Learning

Fine Motor Skills You Need to Develop in Your Toddlers and Preschoolers

Fine motor skills refer to the small muscle movements used for intricate activities such as writing and manipulating tiny objects. These skills are important for young children as they help in developing coordination and control of their movements. You must encourage toddlers and preschoolers to develop these skills early on to ensure a smooth transition from childhood to adulthood.


11 Tips How to Help Your Kid Succeed in Online Learning

Learning in the world today has been revolutionized in various technological ways. Kids are no longer required to be physically present to learn. This is because technology has enabled kids to access various learning resources and materials virtually on the internet. They can achieve this by using a laptop or computer. The key step in integrating learning is one of the best advantages of the development of modern-day technology. It is one of its greatest advantages today.

In the article below, we will discuss how you can offer parent help regarding online studies. We will also give pointers on how you can use virtual learning tips on your kids. If you are a parent, ensure that your kids get the best in virtual online learning. We will also be giving pointers on how to succeed in online classes. The information listed will be very vital and key to every kid who wants to learn online. Therefore, as a parent, it is important to monitor and track your child's online learning process.

Top Tips for University Students to Get Rid of Math Phobia

Math is a subject that many students find challenging and difficult to learn. Some people suffer from math phobia, and it can be difficult to get rid of this phobia, especially when you are in university or college.

You might not feel motivated or interested in doing your math assignments, and even if you do, they might be incomplete or incorrect.

Music and Learning: Does Music Make You Smarter?

Ever since the first humans started banging animal bones against each other, music has been an important part of global culture. We use music to express feelings, perform religious rites, or for fun. The influence of music on our body and mind is the seed of numerous discussions in the scientific community. We have empiric evidence that music impacts the emotional state of a person, but what about all that talk that music can make you smarter? Would listening to classic composers help you through college?

We did some research and came up with results that will change your perspective of how music influences our lives.

Balancing Your Time When You Homeschool Your Kids

Homeschooling has become increasingly popular over the last few decades. As more and more parents venture into this type of childcare and education, though, many realize that this process isn’t as easy as it seems.

Balancing Your Time When You Homeschool Your Kids

Managing your time can be incredibly difficult, and many homeschooling parents struggle to find the time to give their children what they need. To help you out with this process, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to balance your time when you are going through this process.

How to Help Your Child Adapt to Homeschooling

If you have recently switched from schooling to homeschooling, the transition can be slow and difficult for your child and you, mostly when it was sudden. Although homeschooling has many benefits, such as a safer environment for your children and you get to spend more time with them, some children may take time to adapt to the new arrangement. How can you make the transition easier?

How to Help Your Child Adapt to Homeschooling

Home Learning Essentials from Nat Geo Kids Books

Whether you are going back to school in person, home schooling, distance learning, or decided to switch to private school, this year will look different. Our children are going in two weeks to in person school and they will have to wear masks for most of the day. Right now we are virtual learning and have been having a ton of tech issues. So supplementing their education is important to me.

As millions of kids (and their parents!) embark on distance learning, what’s on the family bookshelf has never been more important. Nat Geo Kids Books has always been the gold standard when it comes to providing educational, fun, engaging books for kids, and this fall is no different. I was recently sent a National Geographic Kids Books Home Learning Essentials that I am excited to share with you as well as giveaway! I love National Geographic Kids books for my family and these are no exception. Here is a bit more about these titles that are must-haves for the school year:

Helping Kids Stay on Track with Kids Health, Learning, & Play Babbleboxx

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx. 

Usually we are all gearing up for back-to-school this time of year, but that might look different for each and every family. And that's okay! Keeping kids healthy and engaged is still the goal. So I was super excited when Babbleboxx sent us an awesome box full for great items that are perfect for kid's health, learning, and play.

What was so  much fun about this box, is that it included items to take care of their bodies, minds, and creativity. I think the key with this new school year is going into it with an open mind, understanding that not all homes or situations are the same, things are bound to go wrong since it's a learning curve, and compassion with everyone.

Six Ways To Make Home Education Fun

When it comes to homeschooling, the whole world is thrust into a situation where we are all home educating the kids - whether we like it or not. Of course, plenty of parents choose to home educate naturally, but those who don't go for home education usually have to then make adjustments. It’s stressful, we’re not going to lie.

However, you can make home education fun. You can teach your kids without needing to sit them down and teach them a lesson: education is everywhere should they want to partake in it. You can learn with Science Videos online, craft paper and glue, running round the house on scavenger hunts - it’s all available for your kids! With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can make home education fun.

Tips To Help Your Child’s Early Development

Your child’s early development is important to focus on when it comes to giving them the best opportunities for later on in life. What you teach and influence in them right now will have an impact later on in their lives. There is plenty that you can do as a parent or guardian to make sure that your child is growing up to have the best start they possibly can in life, and when it comes to education. Here are some tips to help your child’s early development.

Taking Charge of your Child's Education: From Home

In recent months, more and more of us have had to dip our toe into the complex and complicated world of homeschooling. Now, more than ever, many of us who have taken for granted our public school teachers, college professors and daycare workers, truly understand and appreciate the hard work these professionals have invested in our children. For those of us who were already homeschooling our children, we’re heartened to know that now people truly understand the work and labor involved with educating children of all ages, abilities and talents.

If there’s any silver lining to practicing social-distancing, it’s that more of us have been given the gift of time with the children in our lives, and are able to have a direct hand in their education. For many of us, we’ve never been so hands-on when it came to our children’s daily lessons or homework. This experience is as rewarding as it is difficult.

If you’re still getting into the swing of things when it comes to your child’s remote learning - either because you’re getting used to requirements set forth by social distancing, or if you’re just new to the homeschooling thing and plan to keep doing it permanently - you may be wondering if there are any easy tricks or tips to help ease you and your child into this new situation. Luckily, there are. With educational technology ever on the rise, there are quite a few programs, platforms, apps and resources out there for parents who want to do remote learning at home.

Free Online Math Games for Homeschoolers

Although I received compensation to share this info with you, all opinions are my own. If you were like me and trying to find completely free math games for kids, then look no further.

If you are like so many others right now, you are scouring the web to either find something to help your child further their education from home, already a homeschooler, or you want to find something to supplement the rest of the missing school year in the midst of our current craziness.

Schools closed down completely here for the rest of this academic calendar. The day of school was March 13 and it was a half day at that. The teachers were literally given a half day to throw something together and were told for only two weeks, not the rest of the school year. My daughter is in 3rd grade and they have laptops that come home with them. My son is in Kindergarten and not so lucky. 

Searching the web for easy games that they can actually use to help them in different subjects like math can be tiresome. I was so grateful when I discovered and their free math and logic games.

Blippi Easter Basket Giveaway

Easter this year is going to look different in our house for sure. Every year I usually host our Annual Easter Egg Hunt with mine and my husband's family and friends. But this year, I am going to focus on what I can control and that is the sugar content in my kiddos Easter baskets! My son fell in love with Blippi randomly on YouTube a few years ago, so I am excited to share this fun non-candy and educational Blippi Easter Basket Giveaway with you all.

In early 2014, Stevin John decided that the world needed Blippi after struggling to find educational videos for his three-year-old-nephew. So he took it upon himself to create the lovable and energetic character of "Blippi" to fill this void. Clad in orange and blue that jumps off the screen, Blippi's engaging personality and friendly demeanor attracted the attention of kids and parents alike. With over 20 MILLION YouTube subscribers and over 11 BILLION views to date, Blippi is helping to make education fun! Like the lyrics to his theme song say: “So much to learn about, it’ll make you want to shout: Blippi!”

This Spring, StudioFun is debuting four new Blippi books for pre-schoolers.:

Math Games to Play at Home with Elementary Kids

My elementary school aged daughter's school shared these math games with dice and cards to play at home and I thought I would share them with all of you. The title of the game is a link to the game instructions and other materials that may be needed to play. Have fun while brushing up on those math skills!

The awesome thing is that children are practicing their math skills without even realizing it!

30+ Free Educational Resources During Emergency School Closures

My first thought when I heard that they were closing schools was, "How are those children that get free lunch going to eat?" Thankfully, my school district is still passing out lunches. I would still go and deliver peanut butter and jelly sandwiches if that is what needed to be done. My next thought was, "How are we going to educate our children?" My son gets IEP and so this was a major concern whether he was going to get behind or not. Thankfully I have resources like ABCmouse and RevolutionMath, but not everyone is so lucky.

I came across this list from Amazing Educational Resources Facebook Group so I thought I would share here as well so more people can find it. I do encourage you to follow that group for more. Just click on each link below to find out how to access their free program.

Homeschool Mom’s Science Podcast

Being a stay-at-home mom, I like to learn anything I can about how to help my children further their education. Education is the most important thing to me and I am always looking for ways to help my children. I have recently found that podcasts are a great way to get information on topics you enjoy. I started listening to podcasts only last year. From self-help to comedy and more, there are so many options available. If you are like me and looking to help your children succeed whether through homeschool or with furthering their education from at-home help, then I have found an excellent resource for you to enjoy.
This post is sponsored by College Prep Science. Copyright 2020 by Greg Landry.

Former college professor, homeschool dad, and homeschool science pioneer, Greg Landry, has a new podcast specifically for homeschool moms – the Homeschool Mom’s Science Podcast. The purpose of this podcast to encourage, entertain, and equip homeschool moms to teach science (6th - 12th grade) and to make it interesting and enjoyable for students (and mom).

You’ll enjoy a familiar voice with science, stories, and humor every week – a new homeschool mom’s podcast available every Tuesday morning.