Safely Protecting Children Online: Child Control App

The Best Child Control app for your child’s tablet or phone. And why my family chooses them.

"Screen time" is often talked about negatively, but electronics can have a lot of benefits too and the fact is, our world is turning more digital. 33% of public schools offered full-time remote instruction and 10% offered hybrid to students in June 2022, according to National Center for Education Statistics. Every child in our public school district has their own tablet to use in school and at-home.

Tablets and other devices can be an excellent source of educational games and learning resources, as well as wholesome entertainment. They are also a way for children to build fine motor skills and even continue friendships with school friends during breaks.

Safely Protecting Children Online: Child Control App

I am going to be honest; I think about what too much screen time is for my children, but I have trouble managing it on my own. I also worry about our children using their electronic devices responsibly. We want to make sure they only have access to age-appropriate content and don't become victims of sexual predators. My daughter is now twelve and my son is nine. I have decided we want to avoid them having social media as long as possible.

In a recent survey, 84% of parents reported that they are worried about their child’s online safety. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, kids ages 8-18 now spend on average, a whopping 7.5 hours in front of screen consuming entertainment media. This includes (but not limited to) computers, televisions, video game consoles, tablets, and phones.

3 Ways to Protect Children Online

Raising Tech-Savvy Kids: Balancing Safety, Engagement, and Communication

In the digital age, parenting involves guiding children through the complex world of technology. This article provides a comprehensive approach to nurturing tech-savvy kids while ensuring their safety, maintaining a healthy balance between screen time and other activities, and fostering effective communication.

Raising Tech-Savvy Kids: Balancing Safety, Engagement, and Communication

How to See Your Child's Facebook Activity Without Being Friends

In today's digital age, social media platforms like Facebook have become a crucial part of our lives. However, not everyone is comfortable connecting with strangers on the platform, and that raises the question: Is it possible to see someone's Facebook activity without being friends? In this article, we will explore some legitimate methods that can help you accomplish this without violating anyone's privacy. Also, you can check out similar topics in this blog post.

Should You Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity?

We live in a tech-advanced world where it is common to find children on social media platforms. Although it may be normal, as a parent, you need to ask yourself, is it also safe? Is sharing details of their life on the internet okay for your child? Should you monitor your child’s online activity? It’s important to respect your child’s privacy, but at the same time, it’s also important to safeguard their privacy.

According to ExpressVPN’s survey, 54% of parents revealed to monitor their children’s online activity daily or even more than once a day. At the same time, virtually no one responded that they don’t monitor their kids at all. Given the ambiguity around the topic, let’s go over some points that should help you make the right decision for yourself. So, keep reading this article!