Understanding Colic in Babies: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Infant Discomfort

Colic in babies is a mysterious phenomenon that has troubled countless parents throughout history. Colic in babies is a term that encompasses a range of unexplainable behaviors, and prolonged crying episodes observed in otherwise healthy infants. The unexplained nature of colic has led to numerous theories and debates among medical professionals, leaving parents overwhelmed and helpless.

This article dives into the intricate world of infant discomfort, shedding light on the enigmatic condition known as colic. As parents, caregivers, or anyone interested in infant well-being, understanding the root causes, symptoms, and effective coping strategies for colic can be invaluable in providing much-needed comfort and support to our little ones.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the mystery behind colic, exploring potential triggers, evidence-based insights, and practical tips to help alleviate infant discomfort. Understanding colic and its underlying factors empowers us to provide the best care possible for our precious bundles of joy.

What is Colic?

Finding Your Formula for Happiness

As I journey through this thing called motherhood, I'm learning that not everyone's journey is the same. Everyone has different things that work for them because not only is every child different, but everyone's circumstance is different. You can't judge someone else's journey just because it isn't in tune with how you would parent.

Baby Colic Help
Image by Peach & Oak Photography

I breastfed both of my children. I did it for financial reasons, but there were so many other benefits. At different times, I did try to give my daughter formula. But she wouldn't take it. She had issues with her latch, I had issues with supply, and she had colic. With the endless hours of crying because of baby's discomfort, I was willing to try anything.

Tips to Help Your Baby with Colic

Colic. The hours and hours of crying that you just can't seem to ease. It's rough. My daughter had colic. I had never experienced it with another baby before. When I was a nanny, their daughter had colic, but she would only cry at night after I had gone home. But my daughter was a different story and I remember the long days of bouncing and rocking and burping. Baby colic is quite common: In fact, 3 out of every 10 babies may suffer from it at some point. Baby colic usually starts in the first 6 weeks of life and may continue for 3 to 4 months (or longer). So I decided to share what worked for us to relieve our baby's discomfort and hopefully you can find some relief too.

Picture by Peach & Oak Photography