Important Questions You Should Ask Your Gastrointestinal Specialist

Navigating a gastrointestinal (GI) health issue can be daunting. Your stomach, intestines, and other parts of the GI tract are vital for digestion and nutrient absorption, playing a crucial role in your overall well-being. Clear communication with your specialist can significantly impact your treatment and recovery when facing GI concerns. Asking the right questions provides you with essential information and establishes a pathway to shared decision-making between you and your healthcare provider. Ask your GI specialist some questions to ensure the best possible care.

Important Questions You Should Ask Your Gastrointestinal Specialist

Ways to Prioritize Your Health this Year

"Invest in your health today to enjoy wealth tomorrow."

Wellness is such a buzzword these days. Everyone is talking about it and with good reason. Taking care of yourself needs to be a top priority today, but it may be difficult for some.

Ways to Prioritize Your Health this Year

We already know how balancing the demands of work, family, and social obligations can leave you feeling stressed and overextended. While many acknowledge the need for healthful living, the common hurdle is finding time amidst a busy work schedule. Having said that, even small changes and additional habits can help you maintain good health this year. To help you, we have enlisted a few tips; read on!

The Benefits of Organic Food: A Nutritional Powerhouse for Your Health

In an era where choices abound, selecting organic is a profound commitment that extends beyond personal health, touching the lives of communities and nurturing the planet. This journey into the realm of organic living reveals the deep connections between our dietary choices and the world around us.

The Benefits of Organic Food: A Nutritional Powerhouse for Your Health

How to Properly Recover When Starting a Fitness Routine

Did you have a new year resolution to start a fitness routine? How is it going so far? If there is one thing that have learned after losing 65 pounds through diet and exercise, it is that you have to just keep trying. It is okay to have a bad day, just get right back to it the next day. It is also okay to listen to your body and take a rest day. I started cross training in June of 2019, and I have loved it. But after your first workout, you will be a different kind of sore. So here are my tips on how to properly recover when starting a fitness routine.

How to Properly Recover When Starting a Fitness Routine

The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Well-being: Top Health Tips

In our fast-paced lives, prioritising our well-being is more important than ever. Achieving optimal health goes beyond mere physical fitness; it encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the top health tips to boost your well-being holistically. Let's delve into key areas that can positively impact your overall quality of life.

The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Well-being: Top Health Tips

Battling With Excess Weight After Birth? Here's How To Get Back In Shape

Bringing a child into the world is undoubtedly a joyful and transformative experience. However, for many new mothers, the journey doesn't end with childbirth. The battle with excess weight gained during pregnancy can become a challenging and often frustrating endeavor. The postpartum period is a time when women may find themselves struggling to reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies, and it's perfectly natural to seek guidance and support. So, if you're battling with excess weight after giving birth, read on!

Battling With Excess Weight After Birth? Here's How To Get Back In Shape

8 Healthy Foods That Do Not Spoil Easily

Though raw, natural ingredients are always preferable, many healthy foods, however, can be kept for a long time without going bad if they are stored properly.

8 Healthy Foods That Do Not Spoil Easily

Though raw, natural ingredients are always preferable, one of the issues with whole, natural foods is that they have a higher propensity to go bad quickly. Because of this, maintaining a balanced diet is synonymous with regular visits to the supermarket. Also, it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet when traveling without access to a refrigerator. However, if we follow proper food storage practices and maintain the correct temperature and humidity, we can keep many nutritious foods fresh for extended periods. Listed below are eight examples of healthy foods that do not spoil easily and keep well in the pantry:

High Protein Appetizers to Serve at a Dinner Party

There are numerous reasons to serve high-protein appetizers at your next dinner party. You may need to keep your guests happy and free of hunger pains if serving a buffet dinner or if several guests have delayed arrivals. Or you may simply want to opt for choices that are healthier than appetizers high in sugar or carbohydrates. Sugary foods tend to leave us craving more food which can lead to filling up on the appetizers before your dinner party advances to the main course.

High Protein Appetizers to Serve at a Dinner Party

Appetizers high in protein promote a feeling of being satiated, stabilizing blood sugar levels, slowing digestion, and reducing appetite. Better still, there are high protein appetizers for everyone’s dietary preferences including the meat and fish lovers among us, as well as treats specially designed for vegans or vegetarian guests.

Protein-Loaded Appetizers to Love and Serve

How To Help Your Young Children To Thrive

Young children are at a crucial stage in their development, so it’s vital that you can take a little time and energy to ensure they can thrive each day.

Looking after a young child certainly isn’t easy, but thankfully this handy guide contains some amazing tips and ideas that will help you to promote excellent development.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more now!

Top 6 Tips for Adapting to a Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone must prioritize their health regardless of how old or busy they get. One of the most important factors in living a long and healthy life is not worrying about getting sick unexpectedly.

Taking care of your health can provide your body with many benefits, especially allowing you to do anything you want. However, adapting to a healthy lifestyle might be challenging as you must give up some habits.

Aside from proper determination and dedication, here are some tips to keep you healthy:

Must Have Products for National Nutrition Month

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.

Did you know March is National Nutrition Month? Each year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics creates a campaign to help people learn about making better food choices so they can develop healthful eating and physical activity habits. This year's theme is "Fuel for the Future" and focuses on eating with sustainability in mind. I recently was sent some awesome products that I would love to share with you to help support your healthful nutrition journey.

Must Have Products for National Nutrition Month

Easiest Protein Brownie Recipe

I have been on a fitness and wellness journey for a few years now after what started as a weightloss journey. I never avoided foods I loved to try to lose weight. I would use the calorie deficit method. Which meant I still would enjoy the foods I loved, just healthier versions. And staying consistent is the name of the game when it comes to reaching your health and fitness goals. But it is a lot easier to stay consistent with your nutrition habits if you can eat foods that you already love and enjoy. And I know maybe some of you have fallen off your new year resolutions to lose weight or get fit, BUT hot girl summer is coming and I have the easiest protein brownie recipe for you. I want to say that I am NOT a baker. I have tried and tried. I do like to cook, but baking is a whole different ball game. So when I bring you a recipe about something to bake and say it is easy, I mean it!

Easiest Protein Brownie Recipe

Maintaining a Healthy Weight Is More Important Than You Think

Maintaining a healthy weight is more important than many people realize. Keeping one's body weight within the recommended range for their height can help prevent a wide range of chronic illnesses and diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer, and high blood pressure. Here are a few reasons why maintaining a healthy weight is so vital and how it can benefit your overall health.

The Healthiest Ways to Sneak Chocolate Into Your Diet

Chocolate has a long history of being associated with indulgence and is often thought to be bad for our health. But did you know that chocolate can actually be part of a healthy diet? Studies have shown that dark chocolate in particular can provide a range of important nutrients as well as potential health benefits such as improved cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Additionally, recent research suggests that dark chocolate may even help protect against cognitive decline.

The Healthiest Ways to Sneak Chocolate Into Your Diet


The good news is that there are plenty of ways to incorporate dark chocolate into your daily diet without overdoing it on calories or sugar. In this article we’ll explore the healthiest ways to sneak this delicious treat into your daily routine.

Why Caffeine Is Great for Your Body and Health

When most people think of caffeine, they think of coffee. And while coffee is definitely a great source of caffeine, there are many other sources as well. In fact, caffeine is found in many common foods and drinks that we consume every day. Stay tuned to find out about some health benefits of this substance.


Understanding Modern Diets: How To Stay Healthy And Fit

The term “modern diet” encompasses a variety of dietary patterns that have become popular in recent years. These include the Paleo Diet, Keto Diet, Veganism, Gluten-free Diet, Raw Food Diet, and more. Each of these has its own unique characteristics that are tailored towards particular health goals or preferences. To understand modern diets, it is important to understand the basic principles behind each one.

6 Great Things to Add to Your Garden for a Healthier Lifestyle

Gardening is one of the oldest and most rewarding hobbies. It brings nature closer to home and helps refresh both body and mind. However, many people don’t realize that gardening can also provide great health benefits. Adding the right elements to your garden can make it look more beautiful and can help promote a healthier lifestyle. Here are six great things you should add to your garden for this purpose:


How To Encourage Healthy Habits for Your Children

In today's world, getting your children to play outside, eat healthy meals, and stay active can be challenging. This is especially true if your child is a picky eater or does not like spending time outside. Fortunately, there are many ways to encourage healthy habits in your family.

Encouraging healthy habits starts with you. Even though it might feel like an impossible task at times, there are many strategies you can implement in order to help your child adopt healthier habits and break bad habits for good. Here are some tips on how to encourage healthy habits for your child.

Top 7 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Detoxification of the organism is the removal of harmful substances - toxins from our body. There are many different definitions of toxins and even more classifications. For this text, we will use simplified terms and divisions. Also, there are different ways to detox.

Toxins can be defined as any substance that can cause changes in the body that cause harmful effects. The basic classifications are chemical (synthetic) and biological (those produced by living organisms). Natural cleansing of the body from toxins is a topic that many people deal with.

In this text, you will find 7 proven ways to detox the body.

3 Pumpkin Spice Protein-Packed Recipes Perfect for Fall

If you are like me, then you are finally fully getting to the fall season. I have lost sixty pounds and since I don't want to back track my progress, but still want to enjoy all things autumn, I am sharing three pumpkin spiced protein-packed recipes that are perfect for you to continue enjoying fall.