Homeschool Education Tips: Making History Fun

If you think learning history at home is impossible, this article is for you. Check it out, and you'll understand that education can be funny and exciting.

With each passing year, homeschooling is becoming more common. Homeschooling is a reasonably progressive movement in a world where parents teach their children alone or with tutors at home rather than sending them to school. The reasons why families choose this type of education are different:
- dissatisfaction with their school education.
- dissatisfied with religious philosophies and beliefs.

The home learning movement began to grow in the 1970s. For example, in the United States, more than 2 million children study at home, and this percentage is constantly growing. Homeschooling is also legal in about 50 countries.

Homeschooling problems

Often, parents of children studying at home face the problem of the child's interests. After all, if the child wants to teach drawing and other subjects on his own, then such subjects as mathematics, physics, and history at home are complex for the child.

Ways to make learning history funny and easy

In most schools, children memorize dates and specific facts from history. Then the children write a test, and all that knowledge is quickly forgotten. But then, what is the point of such training? Nowadays, this is not a problem because many exciting options encourage a child to learn history at home. Here are some examples.

Family history

Next option would be to explore your family's history. It can quickly help the child. You can draw a family tree or create a pedigree differently and tell your child about her ancestors. To tell who they were and at the same time to study the dates and events that happened at that time. You can also develop a game when the child is a researcher. That is, the child must explore her ancestors' family traditions, recipes, and lifestyles.

Focus on the interests of the child

In addition, you can ask what the child is most interested in. For example, if a child is interested in cooking, you can start a history lesson to consider what this process was like in ancient times.

Or, if your child is interested in airplanes or mechanical engineering, you can tell the story of such an important historical event as World War 1. You can even find World War 1 essay on the Internet. So, by reading such free World War 1 essay samples, a child can learn helpful information. Samples of World War 1 essays aren't only research paper but can be an ordinary story. This way, your child will want to read more and more on their own. Or, if a child is interested in life, you can learn the history of importing cotton into the country to explore the various trade routes through which fabrics were delivered. There can be many such options.


Also, storytelling is a prevalent method of studying various subjects, especially history. After all, it would be best if you did not focus only on dates because you can miss the important events that took place on those days. Of course, you can tell when a famous person was born, when he died, and when he took a leadership position. But the child will still be more interested in learning and hearing about what this person was like, and not about significant dates.

Take a walk around a historical place

Another option for the child's interest in learning history is walking. Of course, you can talk about specific events and say that you need to remember the dates, but it will be better for the child to see everything with his own eyes. Nowadays, many museums of exhibitions or just architectural monuments are associated with significant periods of history. You can take an exciting museum tour or tell your child alone. This way, the child will remember better because there will still be visual memory.

Watch movies

If the child is a little older, you can watch a documentary with her about a specific period. Or there are even cartoons or comedies that tell exciting stories about certain personalities. After watching the movie, you can discuss it, write down the essential details and repeat it after a while.

Read interesting facts

And finally, do not forget that the Internet has many exciting facts that are not told at school. So, when you talk about the life of a famous person, try to find unusual facts about his life. In this way, the child will build associations of some exciting point with the person and the date and will remember better.


So learning at home does not mean that you, like teachers, need to teach children specifically in the educational program, test knowledge, and make assessments. Studying at home can be fun. And even if you think that such a subject as history is dull and that it is impossible to interest a child in it, try to use one of the above life hacks. You will be surprised how you and your child want to learn history more often. So, what are you waiting for? Put aside the textbook and watch a historical film with your child.

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