Keeping Children Safe on Vacation

Your vacation plans for the next few months might still be fairly uncertain. You may have had your trip canceled or rescheduled, or, if you have a trip coming up later on in the year, you might still be hoping that it can go ahead safely. We’re all a little unsure about the future at the moment, which makes it hard to make plans.

But, whenever you travel, one thing will always remain true if you are going away with children, you’ll have their safety in mind. Children, especially younger ones, can get into all sorts of dangers, even in their own homes where you have taken every precaution to keep them safe. Take them to an unknown area, and suddenly, those risks multiply.

There’s a fine balance, however, between letting them have fun, and being able to relax and enjoy your holiday as a family, and keeping them safe and putting measures in place to protect them. Here are some tips to help you to keep your children safe on vacation, whether you are hoping to travel later this year or looking ahead to the future.

Know The Specific Risks

The best way to protect your children from risks is often just to be aware of them. Different locations and attractions have specific risks, and your children might have individual needs that put them at greater danger. Young children often sustain burns because they don’t understand the risks, and even older children can get lost in a new place.

Research the Area

Research the area, any attractions that you plan to visit, and the resort that you will be staying in. Learn about safe spaces and choose a meeting place that’s easy to find if anyone becomes lost. 

Practice Swimming 

Often one of the best parts of a summer trip for children is playing in the hotel's swimming pool. But, swimming is always a risk, especially to young children who may not be able to swim unaided. Consider lessons before you travel, and monitor your children closely in and around water. Practice swimming together to build their water confidence and make sure they understand the dangers.

Give Older Children The Tools That They Need To Stay Safe

You may want to let older children have a little more freedom and independence while you are away from home. It’s a great time for them to make new friends and gain confidence.

So, give them the tools that they need to do this safely. Consider a basic cellphone if they don’t already have one, so that they can keep in touch with you. Make sure they have all of the phone numbers that they might need, including the local emergency services, that they know where to find you, where your room is, and their way around.

Pack a First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit can help with all kinds of injuries and illnesses. Make sure you have any medications specific to your family's needs, as well as child pain relief, plasters, anti-bacterial wipes, and some small bandages.

Make Some Friends

Being friendly, talking to people, and getting to know the staff on-site can mean that there are more people to keep an eye on your children. Even if it’s just them telling you when they’ve seen them with their friends, it can offer extra support.


  1. Safety is always important. Thanks for the info.

  2. Great tips! I always try to prepared!

  3. I can tell that you are a traveller �� Your tips are excellent! I used to go over emergency plans with my children when they were young too. We didn’t have phones. We had beepers. Number 33 was our emergency code. Plus we picked a special meeting spot - just in case someone got lost or confused on where they were. I always carried some health aids. This was an exceptional pin! Thank you for sharing!

  4. We always pack first aid kit when we go out. Thanks for all the tips.

  5. It's so important to stay safe and be prepared when going on vacation. I'm hoping to take a trip with my children and grandchildren sometime in the future when it's safe to do so. I'll keep these tips in mind!

  6. I can definitely see how kids could run in to trouble on vacation. Vacations tend to take place in busy, touristy areas. That increases the chances of losing sight of a child. And of course, pools or oceans or lakes bring there own dangers.


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