Physical Changes of Pregnancy {+ $50 CVS Gift Card Giveaway}

This post is sponsored by P&G and CVS. All opinions are my own.

People will tell you that your body will change after pregnancy and you won't believe them. You may say, I'm going to work out and et everything back to the way it was before (or better)! Yeah I said that too. And while you can get your pre-baby body back in some ways, there are some things that are just going to be different after you have a baby. Here are some things that changed for me, your experience (will hopefully) be different. Just be aware that this is also a TMI post (what is up with that this week), but there is a giveaway at the end of this one too. :)

My feet grew
Everyone I know said their feet grew. My friend didn't realize hers grew until she wore open toed shoes. Although her feet didn't grow enough to change her shoe size, her toes hung over a teeny bit. Most people I have talked to said their feet grew maybe a half size if that and that they could wear most of their shoes still. Mine grew a WHOLE size and I already had a big feet before. Thank goodness they didn't grow anymore with my son.

Belly different
I actually like my belly better now. There are more stretch marks but I was overweight before and now my tummy sags more. Why do I like this better? Because I can squish myself into clothing better. :)

Dry, red spots on skin
I started developing these with my daughter because she "stole my beauty". It is an uncommon sign of pregnancy and my body was trying to tell me I'm pregnant. The ones on my face never went away EXCEPT when I was pregnant with my son, but then they came back as soon as I delivered him.

Hair texture
My hair was straighter before and now it is FRIZZY! I am having issues finding the right product that makes my hair at least some what manageable.

I never had it before, but then with my daughter it was AWFUL! I've learned if I can control my diet (no cheesy, greasy foods) then it isn't bad. Maybe I'm just not as young as I once was? :)

Yes TMI. But let's go there. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I got sick one time in a PUBLIC restroom and I wet myself. It happens. Then after you have your baby, you sneeze, laugh too hard, or cough and you can have a little leakage. Kegels can help, until then this is super embarrassing. That's why there's this new product to come out with leakage in mind.

Always Discreet offers a full range of urinary incontinence products for women who may suffer from over active bladder symptoms as a result of stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or both. Always Discreet’s incontinence liners, incontinence pads and incontinence underwear can assist with bothersome bladder leaks in women, so that a weak bladder doesn’t have to hold you back!

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CVS is offering a FREE sample plus a $1 off coupon offer for when you purchase Always Discreet!
Grab it HERE. Thinking this would go great in a New Mom Survival Kit.

Enter to WIN
One Nanny to Mommy reader will win an Always Discreet Prize Pack which includes a $50 CVS Gift Card! This could come in handy for the Holidays! :)
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Just follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway is open to US only, must be 18+ to enter.
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This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on November 29, 2014. Nanny to Mommy is not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. Open to US only, must be 18+ to enter. One entry per household/IP address. Although Nanny to Mommy received complimentary items to provide this review/giveaway, all opinions are our own. Winner is chosen via, ALL winning entries are verified. Entries are subject to change. If you have any questions about this giveaway or would like to sponsor a giveaway, please email


  1. My skin became dry after pregnancy

  2. I became very prone to motion sickness after my first baby

  3. When I was pregnant, it seems I often felt overheated: "Is it hot in here or is it just me?"

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  4. My Boobs got huge!
    Very nice surprise~!

  5. There wasn't anything I didn't expect after pregnancy.

  6. amy guillaume linderman11/14/2014 08:12:00 AM

    my shoe size went up a size and a half and stayed that way permanently

  7. Pregnancy changed me as a person inside... never knew i could love someone i've never met before so much :)

  8. I developed an aversion to peppermint, and I still don't like it that much.

  9. I didn't expect that three little babies would bring so much Love into my life and grow up so fast and bring me WHOLE BUNCH of LOVING Grandkids!

  10. During pregnancy my legs and ankles became so swollen I couldn't fit into my shoes!

    Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  11. I didn't expect the postpartum hair loss would be so severe.

  12. I found it harder to lose weight in general after being pregnant.

  13. I knew the whole experience was going to be emotional, I just didn't know how emotional it was going to be.

  14. i gained alot of weight

  15. The size of my hands and feet! I've been avoiding having my wedding ring enlarged but it appears that it is not going to go back to it's previous size :( My feet are 1/2 a size larger too! Did not expect that!

  16. Unfortunately, I've never had the pleasure of being pregnant and I'll admit...I'm jealous of those who have...changes and all.

  17. Appetite increased greatly while breast-feeding and the weight came off fairly quickly from breast-feeding as well.

  18. Heather Hayes Panjon11/14/2014 10:53:00 AM

    My Taste In Food Changed.

  19. One thing that changed during my pregnancies was I would get really dizzy very easily. I couldn't walk for long periods of time and would have to take lots of breaks. My hair also got much thicker and wavier after pregnancy.

  20. After my pregnancy, I did not realize just how hormones would effect my body. I had issues with my hair, that took over a year to get back to normal. It was so thin, broke off in places and I even had a few bald spots, was a nightmare. I have always had very thick hair, very strong and grew so fast, no of these traits were visible for over a year. Thankful it finally bounced back! :)

  21. My skin became dry, it used to be oily.

  22. I was surprised that my shoe size changed.

  23. havent been pregnant yet but knowing me i would probably gain a ton of weight

  24. Would love this

  25. My girl friend said she got dry skin.


  26. I became prone to motion sickness that still hasn't gone away. I never experienced this before my first pregnancy. No more roller coasters for me!

  27. My girlfriend said she had lots of weird dreams and food cravings.

  28. Neko Yajaira Sam11/14/2014 01:34:00 PM

    I gain a lot of weight and got dry skin

  29. I didn't realize my stretch marks would be so noticeable (and it seems permanent) after pregnancy.

  30. My hair thinned out afterwards that I really didn't expect at all. So hard to deal with as a woman.

  31. trying to get back muscle mass let alone tone would be a gazillion times harder than it was before!!

  32. Mainly my hair. It was great during pregnancy but afterwards I was constantly shedding. Thankfully I didn't get any bald spots or really thin spots, but I am hoping to not shed as much this time around.

  33. I gained weight, dry skin and hair thinned out; my hair is now growing back nicely.

  34. I used to love pizza, butI don't like to eat pizza during pregnancy

  35. I used to hate pepper and love cereal. After my second pregnancy I hate cereal and love pepper.

  36. I expected my shoes size to go up with a swollen as my feet got but what I di idnot expect is for them to not go back down. After two kids, and now on my third, I have gone form a size 8 to a permanate size 10-10.5. Crazy !!!

  37. I expected to be nauseated all the time and i havent been

  38. Exhaustion and some weight gain that has stayed despite my best efforts are two of the things I kind of knew would be possible issues...but I didn't realize for how long....evidently forever. I'm still exhausted. lol

  39. I didn't expect to be so emotional during pregnancy and did not know that it would even keep happening for months afterwards!

  40. Honestly the weight gain surprised me with my first so I knew what to do with the second.

  41. My hair after my first son; it went curly! And then during and after my 3rd, I started loving a food that I've always hated: coleslaw. Weird!

  42. Taste in food changes.

  43. Hair! OMG I am so hairy now! Ok I will admit it here my husband makes fun of me because I have like 3 hairs (or more) that grow on my chin and he says I have a beard hahaha! Another thing is my metabolism changed completely, it is slower now

  44. The strange stretch marks really surprised me.

  45. michelle lingley11/15/2014 09:53:00 AM

    my taste for coffee disappeared and I used to love my coffee

  46. I became more emotional then I was before I got pregnant and it still continued after pregnancy

  47. I didn't realize how much hair I would lose after I had my baby. Clumps of hair were falling out. I had heard some falls out but this was much more than a little

  48. I didn't realize that my hair would get curlier.

  49. I didn't expect my hair to totally change texture.

  50. My taste in food changed drastically. I actually felt more inclined to eat veggies and fruits.

  51. I didn't realize I would get such bad back pain.

  52. My skin got really really dry.

  53. Swollen feet for sure change!

  54. The dry skin and not being able to lose the baby weight

    Rafflecopter Ty Beth

  55. hairloss after pregancies.

  56. My hair started falling out and also thyroid problems.

  57. My feet were 1/2 size bigger during pregnancy and stayed that way afterwards.

  58. My hair fell out and stress incontinence.

  59. My skin was sooooooo dry during my last pregnancy and my hair falling out was terrible too.

  60. I lost alot of hair during my pregnancies

  61. The skin color of my stomach changed.

  62. I'm older now and I think one of the after effects of having six kids is light bladder leakage. I have 6 kids, 6 grandkids and one more due in May. They are worth it. Another side effect, lots of grey hair!

  63. After having my girls my hair started to become dry and brittle.

  64. I never had heartburn before being pregnant but it started during and never stopped.

  65. I didn't expect that I have postpartum urinary incontinence every time I sneeze or cough :(

    Fiona N

  66. I'm pregnant with my second now so nothing is really a surprise anymore. The first time, I was definitely surprised when "morning sickness" happened on and off my whole pregnancy.

  67. Definitely LBL! I wasn't expecting that!

  68. I was really surprised that LBL became an issue even though I ending up having a c-section! I didn't realize that it would still happen.

  69. My feet swelled so much I had to buy bigger shoes = July baby

  70. I didn't expect for gray hair to start appearing!

  71. I unfortunately was never pregnant long enough to experience anything but morning sickness.

  72. I def had to go bathroom more often! I was carrying a 10 pound 9 oz baby!! LOL

  73. The only time I've ever had heartburn is during pregnancy - horrible!

  74. Oh I would have to say for me it was the thinning hair!!! During and after!

  75. My feet grew and my vision worsened! Oh and migraines when I'm dehydrated now happen so that's fun... not. lol

  76. I never knew my emotions could be so raw!!

  77. I don't have kids but the stories I have heard from pregnant women really scared me.

  78. I didn't gain much weight with my first pregnancy. But I didn't expect to gain 50 pounds while breastfeeding! I was so hungry!

  79. I haven't had any yet but the stories of how hard it is to get the weight off is scary.

  80. Headaches during, and boobs after!!

  81. Weight gain and stretch marks! I knew they could happen but didn't really consider the changes that my body would go through that could be permanent. Not that I'd take any of it back. Worth every change!

  82. I get a fat pregnancy nose while pregnant. With my nose being my favorite part of my face, it can be a bit upsetting! 31 weeks and its huge!

  83. Hormones in general. I can't believe how much my body has changed overall.

  84. The texture of my hair totally changed.

  85. Nothing really changed other than my weight gain and how I see the world.

  86. I didn't except my bra size to change so much! I went up 1 full cup size while pregnant and 2 full cup sizes with nursing!


  87. Foods likes and dislikes changed SO much!

  88. New cravings!! Although it wasn't the same foods, I didn't expect any new cravings

  89. My hair texture! It became thick and curly.

  90. My knee started grinding from all of the extra weight I was carrying

  91. it became so much harder for me to lose weight

  92. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to lose weight after having children! And I also loved my hair DURING pregnancy...I didn't have any fall out at all, like I do normally!

  93. After my first, I started getting random chin hairs. 8 years later and I am still getting them. Thankfully, I notice them almost immediately and pluck them. But it is so odd to me since I am in my 20's. But it is just one of those things you just deal with!

  94. I noticed my hair was always shiny and full when I was pregnant. After the baby, it looked duller and I stated to lose all the fullness.

  95. My hair was very healthy and grew very fast during pregnancy .

  96. I got sick eating a pickle and now 28 years later, I still can't eat them.
    Jennifer Rote

  97. im not pregnant im trying to win for my daughter but when i was going to have my son i gained so much weight 70 pounds

  98. My pierced ears that I'd had since I was a little girl closed up!

  99. My children were born 364 days apart from one another & in the year or so following the birth of my son, my second, I experienced quite a bit (I think so anyway) of hair loss & also a few issues with the health of my gums & teeth. ? Apparently having children as close together as what I did, is just very hard on the body when it comes to these type things. My doctor & dentist both acknowledged that my symptoms could be attributed to the births of my children being so close together

    1. Not just a sign of having babies close together, that is a sign of pregnancy in general. Wow 364 days apart. I bet those babies keep you on your toes. :)

  100. What changed and really surprised me was my shoe size. It went up one whole size and stayed there.

  101. After my first pregnancy I became allergic to cats. Also when I was pregnant I could not stand the smell of ANY smoke because it smelled like burnt fish!

  102. Nothing drastic changed with me. Afterwards, I didn't expect to lose some of my hair.

  103. Postpartum hair loss sucks!! It usually happens for me between 2-7 months after my babies are born and I hate it!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

  104. My hair got darker & stayed that way after my first daughter was born.

  105. My shoe size and bra size both went up permanently!

  106. My hair and skin became much dryer, and I could not get enough toast.

  107. I lost hair for about 6 months after.

  108. I went up a cup size and I now have horrible migraines after 2 kids!

  109. I was always able to eat very spicy things before and during my pregnancy. After my pregnancy, I noticed I cannot eat things nearly as spicy as before, however my 2 year old daughter can eat jalapeno peppers! I tell everyone she stole my heat seeking tastebuds, lol.

  110. It took me much longer to heal after I had my fourth baby.

  111. I had some hair loss and hot flashes as well.

  112. my wife said swelling and weight gain was the worst. thankyou, ken

  113. I have trouble with my equilibrium now. That happened after I had my children, but I have no idea if it's related to pregnancy.

  114. I didn't used to be overly emotional but after having two kids, I pretty much cry at least twice while watching my normal TV shows lots of things make me sad now.

  115. How emotional I would be afterwards!

  116. What happened to me that I was not expecting was that I was told you put a lot of weight on and then you can't get the weight off. I gained 30 pounds with my daughter and the day after I had her I weighed the same as I did prior to getting pregnant. Thant was what changed and surprised me.

  117. I loved pickles when I was pregnant and now I can't stand them!

  118. After being pregnant my taste for certain things went away,like salsa and chicken sandwiches.

  119. My eyes, I could not wear my contacts while pregnant and I am still having issues,

  120. My hair fell out like crazy!

  121. I didn't expect my skin to change so much. It can be so dry sometimes now.
    Thanks for the chance.

  122. I didn't expect it to take so long to get into my prepregnacy clothes!
    thank you

  123. My feet grew with each pregnancy.

  124. my feet got bigger

  125. After 2 C sections I didn't expect that now if I cough hard I wet myself a little bit LOL

  126. It seemed like my voice changed. I think it got a little deeper

  127. My feet got bigger and stayed bigger!

  128. I've never been pregnant. But my friend has and her feet got huge.

  129. I haven't been pregnant.

  130. I loved pizza a little too much during - and still do 15years later! haha

  131. I started to want different foods that i never really cared for.

    Thank you for the nice giveaway

  132. I had a lots of weird food cravings.

  133. I was on an emotional roller coaster both during my pregnancy and after.

  134. I got clearer skin...had breakouts most of my life but my skin actually looked great during pregnancy. Now I have breakouts again.

  135. I was amazed at how many things I did not want to eat!

  136. my back hurt the entire time and it still bothers me to this day

  137. my scalp & skin got really dry

  138. I had low platelets with my first daughter and when I got pregnant again the same thing happened.

  139. After having 5 kids I realized that my feet have grown a full size and my breasts even when done breastfeeding went up a cup size.

  140. I have not yet been pregnant.

  141. Dark hair where one does not want it, haha!

  142. I have not been pregnant but do have a mom that has a week blather.

  143. Losing half my hair postpartum isn't exactly fun

  144. I did not have swollen ankles during the pregnancy... But after!

  145. I'm not a crier and I got very weepy during my first pregnancy


Thank you for dropping by! I would love to hear what you thought. :)
