Back-to-School with Preschool Books from Silver Dolphin

My son goes to school for three hours, three days a week. But I have always been a firm believer (regardless of age) that you should work with your child at home, whether they go to public or private school. My mother was a teacher and she still worked with us at home. She truly loved educating people. But regardless of whether you love teaching or not, even if you don't do anything else with them, it is important that you read to your child every night.

Silver Dolphin is continually bringing new book series to keep your little ones engaged in reading.

Bedtime Routine Stories from Silver Dolphin Books

We love reading in our house. Before it was part of my daughter's homework to read nightly, it has always been a part of our quiet down routine before bed. No screens, just baths, pajamas, teeth brushing, and books. That is the way I great up and I love sharing it with my children. Everyone needs some wind down time. Yes, we read books through out the day. My kids love brining me books and asking me to read them. They know I will no matter what, but there is just something I cherish about our night time routine. No matter where we are in any our daily adventures, we enjoy our nightly routine with books.

I love working with Silver Dolphin books. Each night, as part of their routine, they get to pick out a story they want to read. I received some great new titles that my kids are enjoying and yours might too.