My daughter has been a huge fan of Stonyfield yogurt since she was a baby. We loved feeding her Stonyfield YoBaby and knowing she was eating the best. That's why I jumped at the opportunity to try out their new YoKids sMOOthies!
YoKids sMOOthies are made with real organic fruits and veggie puree, they are a convenient kid-friendly size, they are a healthier alternative to more processed on-the-go snacks, and each bottle accounts for 1/3 of kids' recommended daily serving of calcium! How awesome is that!? My daughter loved them! She would have a sMOOthie with breakfast, in the car, on play dates, just about anywhere! I am going to be honest, I didn't feel comfortable just letting my two year old drink out of them in the car, so that's why a straw is pictured below.

Are you ready for the fun part? Stonyfield even offered one lucky Nanny to Mommy reader the chance to win an "On The mOOve" Prize Pack of their own! One US winner will get 4 FREE product coupons and deck of "52 Fun Things to do in the Car" cards pictured below.

Giveaway is open to US only, all entries are verified.
If you can't wait to see if are a winner to let your kiddos try them on the mOOve, click HERE for $1 off coupon!
a Rafflecopter giveaway