Plan Family Vacation for Egypt

Egypt is a country with a rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant culture. A family vacation to Egypt can be an unforgettable experience, but before you start packing your bags, there are a few things you need to know about travel visas and planning your trip.

Plan Family Vacation for Egypt

Visa Requirements for Egypt

If you are planning to visit Egypt, you will need to obtain a tourist visa. The process for obtaining a tourist visa for Egypt is relatively simple and can be completed online. There are three types of tourist visas available:

Single entry visa: This visa allows you to enter Egypt once and stay for up to 30 days.

Multiple entry visa: This visa allows you to enter Egypt multiple times within a three-month period, with each stay limited to 30 days.

Transit visa: This visa allows you to transit through Egypt for up to 72 hours.

To apply for a tourist visa, you will need to visit Visa Express and follow the instructions. You will need to provide your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, passport details, and travel itinerary. It is important to note that you should apply for your tourist visa at least two weeks before your planned departure date to allow sufficient time for processing. Once you receive your tourist visa, you should print it out and bring it with you to Egypt.

Planning Your Family Vacation in Egypt

Now that you know about the visa requirements for Egypt, it's time to start planning your family vacation. Here are some tips to help you plan a memorable trip to Egypt:

• Decide on your itinerary: Egypt is a large country with many sights to see. Before you leave, decide on the places you want to visit and the activities you want to do. Some of the most popular destinations in Egypt include Cairo, Giza, Luxor, and Aswan. You may want to consider a Nile River cruise, a visit to the pyramids, or a tour of ancient temples and tombs.

• Choose your accommodations: Egypt has a wide range of accommodations to choose from, including hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals. Consider the size of your family and your budget when choosing your accommodations. You may also want to consider the location of your accommodations, as some areas may be more convenient for accessing the sights you want to see. You might discover it advantageous to delve into one of the available where to stay guides online to gain a better understanding of the choices available to you.

• Pack appropriately: Egypt has a hot, dry climate, so be sure to pack lightweight, breathable clothing. You should also bring comfortable shoes for walking and plenty of sunscreen and water to stay hydrated. If you are visiting during the winter months, you may want to bring a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings.

• Learn about the culture: Egypt has a rich culture and history, and it is important to learn about the customs and traditions of the country before you go. You may want to research the language, food, and etiquette of Egypt to ensure that you are respectful of the local culture during your visit.

• Consider a tour guide: If you are unfamiliar with Egypt or do not speak the language, you may want to consider hiring a tour guide. A tour guide can help you navigate the sights and provide you with valuable insights into the history and culture of Egypt. They can also help you avoid scams and tourist traps.


A family vacation to Egypt can be an unforgettable experience, but it does require some planning and preparation. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you have a safe, enjoyable, and memorable trip to Egypt.

It is also important to remember that Egypt is a country with a rich history and culture, and it is important to be respectful of the local customs and traditions during your visit. By learning about the culture and etiquette of Egypt, you can show respect to the local people and ensure that your travel is a positive experience for everyone.

In summary, to plan a family vacation to Egypt with travel visa, you will need to obtain a tourist visa, which can be done online. You should apply for your visa at least two weeks before your planned departure date. Once you have your visa, you can begin planning your itinerary, choosing your accommodations, and packing appropriately for the climate. Learning about the culture of Egypt is also important, and you may want to consider hiring a tour guide to help you navigate the sights and customs of the country. With careful planning and preparation, a family vacation to Egypt can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you will never forget.

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