10 Weeks, 3 Days - Wordless Wednesday {LINKY}

If you read my post on Friday, You know I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and that I was a nervous wreck because I had been having what I thought were some complications. Turns out it was nothing and here is an ultrasound of our perfect 10 week, 3 day old Apple Seed to prove it. :)

10 weeks 3 days ultrasound

Thank you all for your encouragement through that uneasy time.


So how was your week?
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Wordless Wednesday Picture Blog Hop Linky

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I never thought I would have to make a rule to my WW Linky,
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Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! :D

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  1. Glad to hear that everything is okay!


    1. Thank you so much. I was a nervous wreck so it was a relief to hear this great news.

  2. Hi Diana, after a little long time am back. Was busy last month due to sister's marriage so was not regular in blogging, but now will regular and waiting for your next post. You have made rules to this hop, i think u may get some wordless images and wordful post from my latest post. And your badge i have been listed in my linky list.

    my blog: www.wilsontom.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you for adding my badge. I had to add some rules because I felt some were taking advantage. :/

  3. Glad the worst is over, and that appleseed is growing well! Take care :)

  4. What a wonderful sight and so happy that it all turned out so well. Also happy to linkup today and hosting a bi-weekly Wordless Wednesday linkup over at Mommy Blog Hoppers at: http://mommybloghoppers.blogspot.com/2013/08/wonderful-wordless-wednesday-2.html, if you want to link this up with us too!! :)

  5. Congratulations! That is wonderful news. Take it easy and watch your apple grow!

  6. What a beautiful, precious little gift you have there! I'm sure the baby "apple seed" will continue to grow in size, strength and beauty! Can't wait to read of the progress!

  7. Glad to hear all is okay! And congrats!

  8. Beautiful. Glad to hear you and baby are doing well.

  9. Great news... cutest apple seed ever :)

  10. Oh wow! Congratulations, what a wonderful wordless wednesday.

  11. Congratulations! It must have been such a relief to see that everything was okay. So glad that everything is progressing as it should!

  12. Congratulations! That is wonderful.
    Thanks for hosting!

  13. I'm glad to hear everything is peachy keen with your Apple Seed. ^.^

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Orange Begonia Flower

  14. Congrats! I'm sure it's a relief to see your little babe and know everything is well. I had some first trimester complications so I can relate. I hope everything is smooth sailing with the rest of your pregnancy!

  15. Congratulations! What a sweet blessing that God has given you.

  16. Congratulations to you! We are 8 weeks shy of welcoming our newest addition. :) I wish you all the best in the world during this amazing time.

  17. Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery!! Glad it was nothing!! Thank you for stopping by this week.

  18. Thanks for hosting the party this week.. I have clicked every one, and commented, followed and liked many.
    Such a nice collection of blogs!

  19. Oh congratulations on your 10 week little apple seed. Cute. Thank you for linking up this week. Be sure to come back next too.

  20. Praise God for the wonderful news! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  21. CONGRATS ON THE BUN IN THE OVEN & If that one looks anything like that cutie pie you already have you're gonna have a couple of Divas on your hands! lol Have a great day! woo hoo

  22. Congrats on your baby and that everything is okay!! :)

    I just followed your blog from the TGIF Blog Hop, I'd love if you could return the favor! My blog is PolishManiacs.x10.mx :) Thank you!

  23. Congratulations! at least it has put your mind at rest...enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. ;-)

    Have a babytastic rest of week

  24. What a wonderful photo!! And thank you so much for leaving a link on my blog :)

  25. Awww so sweet. Glad to hear everything is going ok!

  26. What wonderful news, congratulations!

  27. Glad to hear your ok! Congrats and I can't wait to see pictures of the baby! Take Care of Yourself!

  28. I've always loved how they compare babies to fruits. Congrats to you!! xo

  29. Glad everything is alright! Congratulations! x x

  30. Congrats! I know how scary every baby appointment and ultrasound are. Praying for you and your sweet little baby. jj250@aol.com

  31. love the heart on the sonogram pic

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  32. Glad everything is going well. I'm almost a month behind you with baby #3. So exciting!


Thank you for dropping by! I would love to hear what you thought. :)
