Are You Having New Mum Anxiety? Here’s How to Cope with It

You have long dreamed of becoming a mummy. In fact, you imagined this time in your life to be a blissful bubble filled with satisfying pregnancy cravings, shopping for baby clothes, and eventually holding your baby in your arms.

Are You Having New Mum Anxiety? Here’s How to Cope With It

But now that you’re about to be a mum, all that excitement is being replaced with a lot of anxiety. What if you did something wrong during your pregnancy? What if you have a hard time giving birth? What if you don’t do well in taking care of your baby? The truth is, you’re not the only one experiencing that new mum anxiety. But you can find ways to cope with it starting with these tips:

● Focus on the facts and not the myths.

Oh, the stories and unsolicited advice you hear when you’re pregnant. “Don’t exercise,” “Don’t drink coffee,” and “Oh, your baby will have a lot of hair because of your heartburn.” The truth is, most of these stories are myths that you shouldn’t believe unless it was said by a medical professional like an Alpharetta OBGYN. So instead of listening to anyone, just focus on what your doctor says and follow that throughout your pregnancy.

● Fill yourself with good mum knowledge.

The great thing about being pregnant these days is that you have access to a wealth of information that would help you navigate your way through pregnancy and motherhood. Reading blogs like Belly Belly will allow you to feel more informed and confident about this new chapter in your life. And when you’re prepared, you’re also less anxious and stressed about what’s to come.

● Take care of yourself.

As you take on the new role of being a mum, it’s easy to forget about yourself and focus on the little human depending on you for everything. But if you want to give your best to that baby, you need to give your best to yourself first. Self-care should be non-negotiable. Follow a routine where you wash your face, bathe, get enough sleep, eat right, and just relax. You think you won’t have enough time for that, but you have to make time to reduce your stress and be the best mum you can be for your child.

● Surround yourself with the right support system.

They say, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and it is true. No matter how hands-on you'd like to be, you still need to rest and have some time for yourself. To do this, you need the right support system to help you take care of your child. It could be your husband, mum, sister, or even a nanny. Don’t feel guilty about letting someone take over your reins for a few hours.

Being a new mum is a life-changing moment. But you don’t need to go into it with a lot of fear and anxiety because trust us, you’ll be alright. And if you need help, you can always read our blogs!

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