Date Night Ideas When the Kids Are Away

If you’re a parent, then the vast majority of your evenings will be spent making sure that the kids are fed, entertained, and all-around at peace. But there will be evenings from time to time when you find yourself without the kids in tow. Maybe they’re staying at their grandparents, or they’re having a sleepover at their friends’ place. Whatever the occasion, you and your partner now find yourself with an evening to yourself. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you may be a little out of practice when it comes to dates, which means you may let it go to waste.

Date Night Ideas When the Kids Are Away

We won’t let that happen! If you’ve got a rare free night as a couple, then try one of the following ideas.

Romantic Nights In

Depending on the time of year, you might decide not to go out at all, but simply enjoy your property. You’ll find that it can be a lot of fun, just not when the kids are there! So, what should you do? We think cooking a nice meal, opening a bottle of wine, and taking a trip down memory lane is one of the better ways to spend a romantic evening at home, especially during the winter months, when the outside air is cold, and your home feels so inviting.

Stay in a Hotel

Another option is to use this opportunity to take something of a mini break yourself. By this, we don’t mean boarding a plane and jetting off somewhere exotic (though if the kids are away for a week or so….). We mean just booking yourself into the fanciest hotel in your home area and spending a night living life to the fullest. There’s a lot to be said for staying in hotels in your home city; it can be a lot more fun than people realize!

Dinner and Drinks

Not that you need to do anything overly fancy when you find yourself with a free evening. Indeed, sometimes, you just can’t beat the classics. A nice restaurant and a few delicious cocktails? Sign us up. Be sure to push the boat out at least a little when you’re trying to make things a bit more special. Is there a great steak restaurant nearby? Which bar makes the best cocktails? A little bit of research can go a long way. If you are planning a date night in Vegas, exploring the culinary scene could also lead you to some of the premier Italian restaurants in Las Vegas, offering an exquisite dining experience that perfectly complements a romantic night out. Finally, just get yourself dressed up to the nines and spend a night looking amazing out on the town.

Cut Loose with Friends

Finally, you could consider spending time with friends instead. We mean, together. If you’ve got a tight pack of friends who you both used to have a lot of fun with, then why not reunite the gang for one night only? Obviously, it’ll be better if they’ve also got a child-free evening. If they do, then you can do whatever you like, though the things that you used to do would be a good starting point. Let’s just hope that the old nightclub is still open!

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