Tips to Become a Social Media Influencer

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

It is still a very new profession to consider - social media influencer. Whether you want to become famous on the internet, supplement your income, share your passion, or even discover a whole new career that you love. I have been in the social media world since my friend introduced me over a decade and a half ago and I have never looked back. I have loved social media before I even knew of it's potential. And now I get to share my life with the world with the touch of a fingertip.

So how to become a social media influencer? Here are my tips.

Find your niche. This needs to be something you are passionate about and something you are knowledgeable about. Example - I am in the parenting niche because my education and background is based on Early Childhood Education so I have a lot of experience in this field. Nancy at Behrman mentions how she likes the flexibility of this industry.

Choose Two, Three, or Four (max) Social Media Channels. Are you good with videos or are you more written content-oriented? Think about the type of content you want and are able to create and publish. More Facebook (various of types of media)? Instagram (mainly pictures)? or YouTube (the most challenging but most promising if you feel you’re good at it)?

Create a content strategy. You need to have a game plan to provide content on a regular basis whether you are getting paid or not. You need to be able to set personal deadlines and stick to them. You can hire a virtual admin assistant to assist with this, as they can manage your schedule, plan content, and help you stick to your targets.

Continually publish and create. Regardless of whether you are getting a product or monetary compensation, you need to be able to product quality content that people will gain something from. Whether they look to you for inspiration, freebies (like printables or recipes), or even learn something new. Provide value. Always.

Educate yourself about your niche in this industry. Contact other people and brands. Talk, exchange likes and comments. Collaborate and work with similar influencers as well.

Build your community. Invite new people. Go to forums, groups, fan pages, etc. linked to your industry.

Promote yourself. Do not brag or spam, but promote. Good content will find it's way, but it doesn't hurt to share in a relevant comment section. Share your content everywhere it might seem interesting. Use proper and appropriate hashtags.

Whatever your goal is with becoming a social media influencer, just remember that if you pursue it like a business then you can succeed. Nancy at Behrman says, "...PR is as much a profession as it is a lifestyle." So to become successful as a social media influencer, then you need to understand that a lot of hard work will need to go in for you to succeed. But if you are passionate about what you are doing, then that will be your driving force.

Do you like social media? What do you think of social media influencers like myself?

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.


  1. This always sounds really interesting. I'm not a blogger or anything but it's neat how people become influencers.

  2. I have had little conversations with myself about blogging or not. It seems really interesting and it seems like you get to meet a lot of new people. But I been told by a few people that I have to be more understanding and to learn some tact and to think before I talk! It’s taken years. I have always believed not to lie and to say what you feel. And that’s what I’ve taught my kids too. But I’ve learned that some people just don’t want to hear anything- whether it is the truth or not. So I do have a few hang ups. I just think that I have all of this extra time and I could be keeping myself busy by starting a blog. There’s one more issue, my health and that could hinder some deadlines. You do a great job! That’s one of the reasons I really like your blog. Plus you love your family and they come first with you! TY

  3. I have thought about starting a blog before but I just don't have the time. This is a really interesting post!

  4. Very interesting post! This is not something that I personally am interested in doing, but I love following blogs! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Great to get exposure on social media, it takes a long time to build but it's worht it

  6. Thanks so much for the great advice as always!


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