Potty Training Preparedness 101

Potty Training. I said once the new year hit, we were going to buckle down and get it done. But how do you teach an unwilling student? Seriously. I am researching and trying every trick in the book. In all my searching, the number one tip is to be prepared! Be prepared that they'll have accidents, be prepared to clean up, and be prepared to reward as well. So I have compiled a list of products that make potty training easier and help make you more prepared.

Potty Training Advice

Flushable Wipes: Don't get me wrong, irritant-free toilet paper is a great investment too, but there is just something about being able to wipe everything squeaky clean.

Pull-Ups: I used them with my daughter. They helped those few days before we were ready to go out in public without protection yet.

Potty Books: Your little one is going to be doing a lot of sitting and waiting for something to happen. Keep their hands and mind occupied with some of these great reads.

Sippy Cups full of WATER: The more you can get your little one to drink, the more often they can go. So you can take them to the potty every hour.

Cheerios: These are more fun the little boys to help with their aim.

Potty Training Help

Treats - Candy or Non-Candy: Treats can be a great incentive to help your little sit and try for their reward. Every child is different and what works for one child, may not work for another. It's important to remember this. Non-Candy snack ideas can include stickers, Goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, or coloring books.

Potty Seat: Whether you choose to get one that secures to the toilet itself or a little pot for your little one, I think it's a great idea to get your little one involved in the process of picking it out. It can help them think the whole process is their idea.

Cleaning Supplies: I like to have cleaning wipes on hand so I can quickly clean up those inevitable messes. If you can't sanction your child into a non-carpeted area for the duration of potty train time, then you might want to keep some carpet cleaning items on hand too.

Hand Soap: to clean your hand, to clean their hands, to use as shampoo and body wash...oh wait is that just me? Loving the more natural options because sometimes you have to use what's on hand when accidents happen and you have to clean a little head to toe.

Potty Training Products

The awesome thing is that I have an online baby store called Diapers.com to help in all my potty training and life's other adventures. And just because it is called Diapers.com doesn't mean that's all they offer! Everything you need to complete this list can be found on their site. Yes, you read that right. They also have so many great gift ideas for new moms. Plus, you’ll always enjoy fast, free shipping on orders $49 and above, free 365-day returns, and 24/7 customer care.

What advice do you have for potty training a strong willed toddler? What are some of your potty training must haves?

Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Quidsi for this blog post. All opinions are my own.


  1. My best advice is wait until they're absolutely ready and don't be afraid to resort to bribery lol!!

  2. You hit a lot of tips I used and would have gave to others. The one thing that really worked with my youngest granddaughter was the bribery of letting her pick out her new underwear!! Paw Patrol won & she does not want to dirty them!

  3. Love your tips, you can usually tell when it's not quite the time. If not don't push, step back and then try later.


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