Natural New Year Giveaway Hop, Ends 1/18

Natural New Year Giveaway Hop
Thank you for stopping by the Natural New Year giveaway hop! Hosted by The Anti-June Cleaver,

We have teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to bring you a variety of prizes to help you bring in the new year naturally. All of the prizes in this hop will be natural, organic, and/or eco-friendly. After you have entered a giveaway visit the linky at the bottom of each post to visit the other blogs for more great prizes, including three grand prizes from each of the hosts.

I am excited to be giving away a trial pack from Buttons Diapers, which includes 1 one-size diaper cover and 3 daytime diaper inserts. I love cloth diapering. I think it's not only more natural, but a great way to save money on baby! And I have a few cloth diapers from Buttons Diapers. You can read my review HERE.

Enter to WIN!

Entry is simple, just follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter below. Open to US & Canada only, must be 18+ to enter. Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you can stay up to date with our current giveaways. Good luck!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The Anti-June Cleaver, Our Piece of Earth, Mama the Fox, and the rest of the bloggers participating in the Natural New Year giveaway hop are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations. Nanny to Mommy received complimentary products to provide this review. No monetary compensation was received. Nanny to Mommy and participating bloggers are NOT responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is open to US & Canada only, must be 18+ to enter. One entry per household/IP address. No social media was involved in this giveaway in any way. Winner is chosen via through Rafflecopter. ALL winning entries ARE verified. Winner will have 48 hours to respond with all information in email or another winner will be chosen. If you would like to see your product featured in our upcoming Baby Shower Gift Guide or sponsor a giveaway event, please contact us.


  1. I'm currently pregnant, and I'd love to put the Charming diaper on my baby when he's here!

  2. I love cloth diapering because it is safer for the environment, healthier for my baby's tush, and nicer to my wallet! ;) I would keep them for my little cloth diapered babe.... I've been cloth diapering for over 4.5 years total, so I could really use some new diapers! I adore the Afternoon Tea diaper! Buttons diapers have such cute prints!!

  3. I want to to not only cut down on waste but save money!! Plus we have such super sensitive skin that it would be fabulous to keep plasticky disposables off my kiddos!! I would keep this for my second!!

  4. I love afternoon tea. My poor babe has a sensitive bum and cloth makes it so it doesn't break out! I would use these on her!

  5. I would love to use these on my Son as he is sensitive to strong chcemicals in disposable diapers and would also want to save money

  6. I cloth diaper to save money, reduce waste, and keep my baby away from chemicals. Afternoon Tea is my favorite Buttons print and the only one we own so far. My next favorite print is Meadow. If I won, I'd split the prize with my newly pregnant friend.

  7. I cloth diaper to save money. Reducing waste and seeing an adorable fluff butt running around is a plus though. As much we need a few more to add to our stash, I'd be giving this to either my sister in law or cousin or best friend. So whom ever has their shower first lol. My favorites are Charming and Critter.

  8. Love the Blog! i cloth diaper because i dont want my childrens children to live on mount diaper. we borrow the earth from future generations. they need to see the beauty we do.

  9. You have a lovely blog here. I would really love to cloth diaper my little one. I am due here in a few months and this would really set me on the right path. thank you so much for your consideration.

  10. We want to use cloth for convenience and to save money. I am due in March and this would be great for our little guy to help build our stash a little more before he arrives. I love their Sherwood and Jack Frost prints. <3

  11. I love Meadow because it is unisex in the color and design ;) Our fifth child is a surprise in gender .

  12. We decide to cloth diaper to save money, all of the money that would have been spent on disposable diapers could be better spent elsewhere, in my opinion. I'd use this package for our (hopefully) soon to be little one. I really like the sea breeze color! I'm more of a solid color kinda gal ;)

  13. I'd love to win this!!! I'd use it on my little girl, Kepler. I love Posy!

  14. Can't wait to cloth diaper our baby girl in April! We plan on committing 100%! I love the Jack Frost print!

  15. I cloth diaper my youngest (4 months). I would end up giving this prize to my friend who has twins. She's still trying to figure out what works for her. I love Sherwood, but I think she would like Jack Frost better.

  16. I want to cloth diaper because it saves money and is better for the environment. I love the Meadow print. It's so cute and would work wonderfully for either gender!

  17. I have been planning to cloth diaper for a few years, and I am excited to start when my little one arrives. I love that it is both environmentally friendly AND cheaper. My favorite color is Sea Breeze, but if I were having a girl, I'd totally order afternoon tea. Super cute!

  18. My husband and I are expecting our first little baby in a few months! We are cloth diapering to save money. Not to mention it is better for them and it's less waste in the long run. I really like the diaper with the fire truck on it since we are expecting a little boy! Thank you for the give away!

  19. I want to cloth diaper because it's just more convenient for us.

  20. this would be for us. I cloth diaper because it saves so much money. sherwood was my favorite but I like Jack Frost as well

  21. I cloth diaper for many reasons, especially the healthful benefits to baby and the environment. I would give these to my daughter *and us ;) Afternoon Tea, Posy, and now Jack Frost are my favorites Buttons! (which I'm dying to try out)

  22. I cloth diaper to save money and it's been better for my kid's skin. I would give these to myself, for my babies. My favourites are Meadow, Precious and Sea Breeze!

  23. I think we would choose either Tangerine or Ahoy, we don't have any diapers in those colors. I would keep this for our babies :) I hope the hemp inserts are an option, they seem so absorbent.

  24. I started to cloth diaper to save money and have fallen in love. I would use it for my son, and then let family members use them or donate to the Rebecca foundation when done. I love the new prints of Jack frost and that foxy one. If not I would get a plain color or meadow.

  25. I cloth diapered my first son until he potty trained, and now I'm getting ready to cloth diaper my second son due in March! They are convenient, affordable, and adorable!

  26. We cloth diaper because it is much better for our LO's skin. I'm a FTM, so will use this for my first, second and any more that we have!

  27. I would really like to win one for my baby girl, and my favorite print is the Sherwood.

  28. We cloth diaper because it costs so much less, we have less blowouts, it is way better for the environment and they are cute! I would have to decided if I would keep for my self or give to my sister-in-law

  29. I love cloth diapers and would keep this one for my little guy.

  30. I cloth diaper #1 to save money, but even if we had enouhgh to buy disposables I'd still do it, I can't stand to spend that kind of money on something I'd throw away, which also bothers me from an environmental standpoint. It's just wasteful all around.

  31. I cloth diapered my youngest, who is now 3, so i donated, sold my diapers as I was done having children. Well, life had other plans as i found out i am pregnant with #3! I haven't used this brand but My favorite was Bum Genius!

  32. I love all of them but Jack frost and meadow are my favorites We love cloth diapering because they save money and are adorable

  33. I love the new brave print.

  34. We cloth diaper because it saves us money and it's better for our baby's kids. I would keep this diaper for my son and I love the new Brave print.

  35. Cloth Diapering is good for my baby, good for the earth, and good for our budget! We're currently building a stash for our newest family member, making his debut in May!

  36. I would use these cloth diapers on my baby, because it's better on his bottom! Love the Jack Frost print!

  37. I cloth diaper to save money and keep nasty chemicals off my baby's skin. If I won this would be for my 5 month old daughter. I love the Meadow diaper best :)

  38. I use cloth because I hate the thought of all the waste left behind from disposables. I would keep this diaper for my little girl. And I think the Meadow is cute.

  39. I am to cloth diaper for my first baby due in a couple of weeks! I just see disposables as such a waste! Buttons diapers are so cute, especially "Precious" for my new girl :)

  40. I cloth diaper to save money but also for my sensitive little fluff butts (2 going on 3!) I would keep this diaper for baby girl #3 due in Feb. Which diaper is your favorite? Definitely "Precious" for favorite

  41. Id love the afternoon tea with the hemp inserts!! we love our cloth diapers and these would be appreciated!

  42. I try to be as green as possible so cloth diapers are logical.

  43. I have wanted to cloth diaper for sometime now, but always made excuses. Now with my third child I am really trying to get him only in cloth (now we use earths best). This would be an awesome start for us :) I love the buttons pocket diapers, I honestly think they would be easier than some products that are all in ones.

  44. I love the new jack frost print for my sweet baby boy :) and afternoon tea for my two toddlers <3 I would love to win this package for all three of my bchildren. I love that they are pocket diapers I think that is the easiest way to cloth :)

  45. I have not used cloth diapers for my little one yet but I would love to use them soon. My favorite print of diaper cover is the Meadow
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  46. I want to cloth diaper because using sposies full time costs tons of money and I don't want to always worry about having enough diapers and stocking up. Another reason I want to cloth diaper is because big name brand diapers contain chemicals that I don't want to expose my children to. If I were to win this diaper, I would give this diaper to my children to wear and use on their own children. The Precious print is my fave!

  47. I think the new Brave style diaper cover is cute.

  48. I cloth diaper for so many reasons. To save money (two in diapers). To save the earth. And because it's fun! This would be for my kiddos :) I love all of their new prints. Thank you for the giveaway!

  49. My baby girl is due in March. I would love to try using some Buttons Diapers on her.

  50. I love cloth diapering, it's much easier than I initially thought it would be (and much more addictive). The precious print is definitely my favorite!

  51. I love cloth diapering for my sons comfort and being able to reuse something instead of throwing away! would love the meadow or hero print! So cute.

  52. We decided to cloth diaper because we would save money, and because it is better for the earth and our baby! If I won this giveaway, I would keep it for my LO! My favorite diaper is the new print Meadow!

  53. I would give this to my sister. She is trying to have a baby and she is wanting to cloth diaper!

  54. I loved using cloth on my toddler and would love to try this brand for our baby due in the spring!!! I seriously can't get enough of the Brave print! adorable!

  55. I would love to cloth diaper for extra comfort and to save money! I have my first baby due on Valentine's Day! Can't wait :) I would keep this pack for myself because I have yet to receive or buy any cloth diapers.. And I need some! My favorite prints are Critter and Brave.

  56. We started cloth diapering to save money and the cuteness factor is a bonus. Button diapers are so cute and I haven't had the pleasure of trying them so I would keep the prize pack for our little fluff butt. If I have to pick a favorite print I think it would be the new Precious.

  57. I love saving money with cloth diapers. This would be a wonderful diaper for my daughter. I love the Sherwood print but the new Precious is beautiful.


Thank you for dropping by! I would love to hear what you thought. :)
