Tomorrow I turn 28. I don't feel older or like anything has changed. I also don't want a big party or anything since my original due date was the 21st. I received my birthday present early (the 6th to be exact ;]), but the one thing I do want for my birthday, is to NOT have to cook. And my family's go-to pick-up dinner is PIZZA!

Marco’s Pizza, the nation’s fastest growing pizza franchise, has found a new way to combine authentic Italian and Mediterranean flavors, reinvigorating traditional pizza for families craving new tastes! On March 24, Marco's Pizza will served up its new Grilled Chicken Florentine Pizza which has tender grilled chicken, parmesan garlic sauce, four cheeses, fresh spinach and sliced tomatoes, with chopped red onions on dough that's made daily. So what better time to try something new when I'm turning one year older? PLUS, just in time for National Spinach Day, Marco's Pizza is introducing fresh spinach to its pizza toppings! Add fresh spinach to Marco's Cheese Pizza, a three cheese blend of fresh never frozen cheese on fresh never-frozen dough made daily.
I personally had never eaten at Marco's before but when the opportunity to review some of their pizza came up, I remembered seeing one about only 20 minutes from my house. So Hubby called in our Marco's pizza and had no trouble getting quick service. They said it would be about 15 minutes. So I decided to go pick it up, so I could have a minute to myself after being with the kiddos all day. Pick up was super easy, my food was ready when I arrived so no wait, and the staff was very polite.

Hubby and I were HUGE fans of the Grilled Chicken Florentine Pizza and although SweetPea did take the spinach off, she LOVED the Cheese Pizza. She ate THREE slices! I personally felt that the spinach added something extra. I loved that you could taste all FOUR cheeses. We felt like the were a GREAT value and are going to make Marco's a more regular choice when we eat out. And our new go to place to get pizza. Their ingredients tasted of high quality and that's is very important to us.
What do you do when you don't feel like cooking? Do you have a go to pizza restaurant?
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