Welcome to the Ditch the Disposables Giveaway Hop, hosted by So Easy Being Green.
This giveaway hop is dedicated to all the wonderful, reusable products available. A fabulous group of bloggers have come together to offer you some great giveaways of reusable products so you can... ditch the disposables! Be sure to hop around to all the blogs involved on the linky below and don't miss the Ultimate Green Family Grand Prize worth $320!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck on ditching the disposables - now increase your odds of winning the best reusable products by entering more giveaways in the Hop, including the Ultimate Green Family Grand Prize!

This prize includes a $50 Gift Certificate to Glass Dharma, glass straws handmade in the USA, and a Softbums Cloth Diaper Starter Kit {includes a wet bag, 3 shells, and 6 inserts! You'll also find the new Merry & Bright Tote Collection from SnapSac resuable bags, a $50 GC to Lunapads.com, and a roll of 12 Unpaper Towels from TheUnpaperTowel.com!
I ditched them five years ago! I hate throwing things away unnecessarily.
ReplyDeleteI would love to ditch the disposables because I'm always looking for ways to reduce my environmental impact! I want my children to see the same earth I have.
ReplyDeleteWe ditched disposables because not only is it better for the environment and our family...it also saves a ton of money after the initial purchase!
ReplyDeleteThey simply make too much trash, I feel like I am always taking out the garbage!
ReplyDeleteIt's too much waste! That, and it's a lot of financial waste, too!
ReplyDeleteI hate making trash. I like to make a s little as possible.
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch disposables to save money and help the environment. I love how Christine put it - less waste all around!
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch disposables for the environment, my family's health, and for savings!
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables because we are trying to live a greener life overall, and we want to pass that mentality on to our kids! Plus, I just love cloth diapers. :)
ReplyDeleteI like not having to buy disposables and having less trash!
ReplyDeleteEco friendly AND wallet friendly! I value being green!
ReplyDeleteI like saving my family money. :)
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables because I want to save money and it's better for the environment.
ReplyDeleteDisposables are so expensive, and they are chemcial-laden.
ReplyDeleteI like to be more environmentally friendly, healthier for my family, and saving money
ReplyDeleteI hate throwing things away. I try to recycle as much as possible, and diapers are so opposite recycling it made me sick to think about.
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch disposables because they are EXPENSIVE and have chemicals of all sorts in them. My kids are very sensitive and I like to know exactly what is going in and on their bodies. Our family primarily tries to be good stewards of our body's and the money God gives us and this leads us to using more reusable items.
ReplyDeleteReusable products are better for our wallets and the environment!
ReplyDeleteI want to save money and trim my budget.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to CD my LO so we ca save money and be kind to the environment.
ReplyDeleteI want to leave the world a beautiful and clean place for my baby girl! We will be using cloth diapers (once she gets here in December) and we try to minimize our environmental impact in many other ways as well.
ReplyDeleteI would want to ditch the disposables because it will save me money!! I want to live like no one else so I can live like no one else!
ReplyDeleteWe plan to cloth diaper when our little one arrives in February to save money and help keep plastic out of landfills. We also like that the cloth near baby's jewels won't be filled with toxins.
ReplyDeleteI don't like that we are filling landfills so quickly....it just seems irresponsible!
ReplyDeletewell i hate waste. and we have to pay for trash so it makes sense to get rid of anything disposable
ReplyDeleteI think cloth diapers are so much cuter. Plus I have skin issues so plastic gives me issues at time.
ReplyDeleteWe have used cloth diapers with my oldest child and plan to use them with baby #2, when she arrives in the next few weeks. We started using them because they were safer for baby skin, eco friendly, and save money!
ReplyDeleteWe ditched disposables about a month ago when baby #3 was born. At first I did it to help keep our family on budget. Now I see how much we'd be wasting (and tge patterns are cute too).
ReplyDeleteWe are switching to cloth because my son is allergic to disposable. I also like the fact that cloth diapers don't have weird chemicals in them.
ReplyDeleteI always feel guilty throwing stuff away when there is a reusable option. I try to balance this as much as possible.
ReplyDeletebonnechanceb at gmail dot com
I want to decrease my part in ruining the plant, there are less chemicals and it saves money.
ReplyDeleteWe ditched disposables when my youngest was a couple of months old, now with another baby number 3 on the way I'm so so happy to have diapers already!
ReplyDeleteLacey J
Less waste, less cost, what's not to love?
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned about what our planet will look like for my children's generation. In generations past reusing everything was a given; disposables are a new, short-sighted, and expensive phenomenon and I'd like to move past this harmful trend.
ReplyDeleteTo save the planet and save some money!
ReplyDeleteSo much better for the environment. Reduce, reuse, recycle. :)
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables because they're so expensive
ReplyDeleteIt is better for the environment.
ReplyDeleteIt's cheaper, better for my baby and the environment!
ReplyDeletei want to bc it cost so much to use spoises !
ReplyDeleteI didn't like how much they cost in the long run, especially since they just get thrown away. I've been CDing since my daughter was a month old and plan on doing it until she is potty trained. Another perk is I plan on having atleast one more child, so the cloth diapers can go towards the next one too!
ReplyDeleteI hate wasting things.
ReplyDeleteI hate creating all that waste.
ReplyDeleteSaves money and the environment
ReplyDeleteI dislike the little gooey gel bits that always seem to be stuck to my LO's bits when I take one off. My husband and I only use them for night time because we haven't found an effective solution for nighttime diapering. We always end up with a middle of the night sheet change when we try cloth.
ReplyDeleteTo save money, of course.
ReplyDeletetoooo much money being thrown in the trash and to many leaks
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables, because buying disposables is like throwing away money :)
ReplyDeleteIt is better for the environment.
ReplyDeleteI think it will be healthy and more comfortable for my little one. I also saw my mom cloth diaper my baby sister when she was a baby.
ReplyDeleteNot only is it better than the environment, it's probably a healthier solution (no chemicals)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking to ditch disposables for financial and environmental reasons.
ReplyDeleteI want to save some money, and also help reduce our impact on the environment
ReplyDeleteI love being able to save money! :) and not clogging up the environment is great too! :)
ReplyDeleteI want to save money and the enviroment for our future kids
ReplyDeleteLiving on one income for our family means we have to save money where we can. Reusable anything will save us a huge amount of money over time!
ReplyDeleteDisposables are expensive!
ReplyDeleteTo save money. Also it is better for the environment!
ReplyDeleteI hate the smell
ReplyDeleteBecause, as Christians we believe it's our responsibility to be good stewards....and that includes not being wasteful!
ReplyDeleteDitched because of chemicals
ReplyDeleteI have ditched them two years ago. I dont like the chemicals
ReplyDeleteDisposables are so expensive! (Plus cloth diapers are sooo cute!)
ReplyDeletei used cloth diapers with my daughter and it saved us alot of money i would like to make the swich with my nb son
ReplyDeleteI ditched disposable diapers with my 2nd daughter because I wanted to save money and help the environment!
ReplyDeleteI have ditched them for 3 months now! I don't like adding to the landfills and I like to save money.
ReplyDeleteI am ditching them because I want to make a difference for the environment!
ReplyDeleteI want to save money and the environment.
ReplyDeleteI want to save money!
ReplyDeleteWe never started using them.
ReplyDeleteI love saving money... :)
ReplyDeleteI wanna ditch the disposables for my son, the environment, and my wallet :P
ReplyDeleteWe have a lot or reusable products in our house but I am trying to find even more ways to reduce waste.
ReplyDeletewe ditched to save money
ReplyDeleteI feel that we should reduce waste as much as we can
ReplyDeleteTo save money, be less wasteful, reduce baby's exposure to disposable diaper chemicals, etc.
ReplyDeleteCloth diapers are just plain cuter
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables because my end goal is to live far out in the country and make as little of an impact on the environment there as possible.
ReplyDeleteI like to know I'm doing what's best for my family and the environment.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the bleach that is in a lot of disposable products.
ReplyDeleteI don't like to be wasteful.
ReplyDeleteI have ditched my disposables for many reasons. Cloth is much better for the environment, our bank accounts and my little guy!
ReplyDeleteBecause we love cloth diapers and I hate the environmental impact with disposable diapers. Plus cloth is so much better for baby too.
ReplyDeleteTo save money and lessen toxins around my baby!
ReplyDeleteto save money!
ReplyDeleteMoney saving and to reduce our trash output!
ReplyDeleteI wanna save money and the environment!
ReplyDeleteTo save money and my little one's behind! :)
ReplyDeleteI care about the environment and what kind of world I'm leaving behind for my children. I want them to grow up thinking about how their actions and choices affect others, too.
ReplyDeleteI hate unnecessary waste, and I hate how wasteful this country is.
ReplyDeleteFor starters, money. But now, the cloth is all just so cute!
ReplyDeleteThey're economical, cute and green! What more could you want?
ReplyDeleteWe ditched them because of the poo-splosions!
ReplyDeleteBecause I feel much more confident putting a diaper on my child that doesn't have such harsh chemicals in it!
ReplyDeleteWe want to ditch disposables because it is wallet friendly, eco-friendly and cute!!(:
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch disposables because it would be better for my baby's bottom, and it would be much better for the environment. Plus, cloth diapers are much cuter than disposables.
ReplyDeleteim just so tired of all the waste we generate. it's disgusting
ReplyDeleteWe use as few disposables as possible, both for the environment and the price.
ReplyDeleteI would like to ditch the disposables because I am addicted to recycling.
ReplyDeleteI recently did for environmental reasons and because they are cute, we still use a few here and there but we are mostly cloth now!
ReplyDeleteWith a family of 8 disposable anything is expensive!!
ReplyDeleteExpecting my first in March and don't want to use disposables at all!
ReplyDeleteI hate throwing things away.
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch disposables to save my family money and for environmental reasons.
ReplyDeleteBe green and save money.
ReplyDeletesend that much less to the landfill and hopefully save money!
ReplyDeletewe chose to cloth diaper to save money and help the environment!
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables to save money and for comfort :)
ReplyDeleteTo save money and not worry about running out of any products.
ReplyDeleteAbout to have our first baby and I don't even want to start, let alone have to ditch disposables. I want to save the environment and save some money.
ReplyDeleteDitching the disposables because it is SO MUCH CHEAPER to do cloth! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI would like to ditch the disposables to save $$$$!
ReplyDeleteI want to be more eco-friendly and save money
ReplyDeleteI want to save money and save the planet.
ReplyDeleteI want to ditch the disposables because I need to save money and cloth is eco friendly
ReplyDeleteIt's better for the environment.
ReplyDeleteTo save money. Hubby was in a motorcycle accident in July and this would so help!
ReplyDeleteWe already CD because we hate the chemicals in sposies!
ReplyDeletebecause of all the chemicals in them :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to ditch disposables so that I can save money and save the environment some.
ReplyDeleteI want to/am in the process of ditch the disposables because i feel like I'm wasting money. Plus I like being able to buy things in colors & patterns that I like!
ReplyDeleteUsing resusable products has become part of our lifestyle! it was a welcome change!