8.3 million Jews are living outside of Israel, according to The Jerusalem Post, and the 8 best ways Jewish mothers’ can connect their children living outside with their roots are:
1. Join Masa Israel
The program aims to promote Jewish identity and connection to Israel while offering participants a unique cultural experience and personal growth. Masa provides comprehensive support, including housing, travel arrangements, and various social activities.
The program is designed for participants aged 18-30 and is open to individuals of all backgrounds and levels of Jewish observance. So, if you are looking for your child to have a glimpse of the Jewish culture, the most interesting way is to get them to join this program.
2. Study Jewish Texts
If you want to learn more about what's in these texts and why they matter, you can find plenty of resources online or at your local library. You could also talk with someone who knows them well, like a rabbi.
3. Join a Synagogue
And if you're looking for ways to reconnect with Jewish culture, there are plenty of opportunities for learning about it through classes offered by synagogues.
4. Volunteer for a Jewish Organization
In addition to feeling good about helping others, volunteering can also help you feel more connected to your Jewish heritage by bringing back memories of important things to your family when they were growing up.
Many organizations offer training so that new volunteers will know what they're doing when they arrive at the site where they'll be working each day. And this can be especially useful if this is your first-time volunteering.
5. Attend Jewish Cultural Events
Here are some ideas:
Jewish films at the local cinema or on Netflix. You can also watch them with friends who aren't Jewish and discuss what you learned about Judaism and its history.
Bands who perform traditional music from Israel or other countries with large Jewish populations, such as Morocco or Yemen. A lot of these bands will have instruments like the violin or oud that aren't common in Western music. It's worth checking out how they sound.
6. Learn Hebrew
Learning Hebrew is a great way to connect with your Jewish heritage. It's also a great way to learn about the culture, religion, and history of the Jewish people.
Learning Hebrew can be done in many ways, like attending classes at a synagogue or Jewish community center, taking an online class, buying books and CDs, or using a smartphone app. But no matter how you choose to learn, it will be worth it when you realize how much easier it is for you now that you know Hebrew.
7. Cook Jewish Cuisine
8. Trace Your Genealogy
To start tracing your family tree, ask elderly relatives if they remember any stories about their grandparents or great-grandparents.
Next, go online. Many websites offer free resources on how to research your genealogy and those of others who share your last name. You can also hire professionals who specialize in this field if you need assistance with specific tasks like finding birth certificates or census records. These services may charge fees depending on what kind of information they provide.
As per a recent ABC News report, the Center for Jewish History, based in New York, announced the launch of a project that offers DNA testing kits to the survivors of the Holocaust and their children to connect Jewish Americans with their genealogy.
Great post! We are Jewish, and love carrying on traditions with my children. My youngest daughter especially loves Jewish foods. I need to look into Masa Israel. Thank you for the info.