Nine Pregnancy Myths and Facts Every Woman Must Be Aware Of

Take a look at this article to get an in-depth idea of the common myths and facts about pregnancy, which you probably didn’t hear about or know.

The period of pregnancy is thrilling. A typical pregnancy lasts forty weeks, during which a lot of things happen to a mother. Several developments that occur throughout this time may be expected, while others could appear fascinating or shocking.

Pregnancy also involves significant psychological and physical alterations that many pregnant women cannot comprehend or estimate at times. And hence, to avoid such unpredicted circumstances, many women go for pregnancy handbooks.

And seeing the list of dos and don'ts in a pregnancy handbook when you first start reading it can be overwhelming. Many of them may not be true.

Now no matter how well-intentioned your loved ones or friends are when they offer counsel, you frequently receive incorrect facts and, therefore, must decide which is true.

And to help you out, we outlined the nine pregnancy myths and facts every woman must know. Read the article to find out more!

4 Pregnancy Facts That You Should Know
In this section, we focused on the five pregnancy facts that you should be aware of as a soon-to-be-mother!

● Development Of The Baby In The Womb
Firstly, the fact about fetus development that you should know. The development of a baby in utero is magical. Babies start urinating in the womb a few months after they start developing. Occasionally, they urinate on themselves.

They also tend to get their organs from their mothers. The placenta, a real organ, develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It aids in giving the fetus oxygen and nutrition.

After a few months of development, the fetus begins to form fingerprints and footprints at about six months of age.

Whorls, loops, and arches are three patterns used to describe how the ridges are generated. These develop on the soles, fingers, and palms. Few people are aware that fingerprints aid in object grasping.

Sometimes, along with fingerprints and patterns, teeth can also be seen in babies while in the womb after a thorough development.

These are natal teeth that are loose and may occasionally require removal by a doctor. They might get loose and end up being ingested, which makes them potentially harmful. When a mother is breastfeeding, they may get hurt.

After a baby is developed to some extent, it is also known to help out its mother. That’s right! The fetus can deliver cells to a pregnant mother to help her heal any wounds. It implies that your child can heal you while still in the womb.

You can also look into to know more about baby development.

● Blood Volume And Glowing Skin
The second amazing fact relates to glowing skin in pregnant women!

According to a medical study, women during pregnancy tend to feel an increase in the blood volume inside their bodies by fifty percent. This increase helps the additional oxygen required to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Because of such higher blood volume and estrogen hormones throughout pregnancy, pregnant women also tend to have a natural glow and lustrous hair.

Furthermore, during childbearing, women frequently notice changes to their skin, such as brown areas on the face all around the cheeks, forehead, and nose; a dark line running from the belly to the private area; sagging skin; acne, etc.

This is primarily brought on by hormonal changes, although it will go away after childbirth.

● Hormonal Changes And Cravings of A Mother-To-Be
Third, any mother-to-be will experience hormonal and dietary changes. Pregnant women tend to forget things frequently, which is quite common.

This affects the majority of women. Hence, you aren't the only pregnant mother who forgets stuff.

Another change that happens to every newly pregnant mother is craving weird food items. Food cravings are typical and very common throughout pregnancy.

However, some women also experience cravings for things other than food, like paper or hair; this strange but genuine illness is known as "pica!"

● Changes In Mother’s Voice
Last,changes in the mother’s voice. When you're pregnant, your voice may change. That's because your vocal folds may enlarge due to hormonal changes. Following delivery or breastfeeding, it will probably be back to normal.

And even if your voice changes, a growing kid may identify your mother's voice within the uterus by the third trimester, which is very common and happens to almost every mother and child during pregnancy.

5 Pregnancy Myths That You Shouldn’t Believe
While we have looked into great pregnancy facts, let’s look at the five long-known, most common pregnancy myths!

● Morning Sickness Subsides By Midday
The name "morning sickness" refers to the tendency of symptoms like exhaustion, nausea, and puking.

Because morning sickness is a symptom of early pregnancy, you might believe that the unpleasant sensations won't persist past noon and only stick around till morning. But that’s not necessarily true.

It's normal to experience nausea all day long. Morning sickness can occur at any time of day during the initial weeks of pregnancy.

Although the specific origin of morning sickness is unknown, fluctuating hormone levels are most certainly a factor. When you begin the second month of pregnancy, morning sickness commonly starts around that time and usually subsides between weeks twelve and fourteen.

● Exercising During Pregnancy Can Be Unsafe
According to this widespread misconception, many pregnant women often refrain from exercising after becoming pregnant, including stretching and jogging. However, the misconception that working out will harm your unborn child is largely untrue.

Pregnancy benefits from the doctor-recommended activity. Although one should avoid extreme exercise, including contact sports while pregnant, low and moderate exercise activity has many health advantages.

Being active during pregnancy benefits you and your unborn child in many ways, from supporting you to control weight gain to promoting a better birth experience.

Pregnant women who are very active in terms of exercising before their pregnancies can typically keep up their regular exercise schedules with some alterations for the new pregnancy.

Strolling is a fantastic way to get exercise if you weren't previously active in terms of exercising.

● Giving up Caffeine During Pregnancy
When you tell someone you're pregnant, they often immediately list all the beverages and food items you should avoid, even when you didn’t ask for it.

Expectant moms are often asked to avoid alcohol, cigarette products, especially uncooked meat, and fish, because they can all have harmful consequences for the parent and the unborn child.

However, a lot of people also believe that caffeine is harmful. Pregnant women can consume caffeine in limited amounts.

Most studies claim that small doses of caffeine don't harm developing fetuses. It's typically fine to continue drinking soda and coffee when you're expecting if you do so within your limit.

● Heartburn Means Your Child Will Be Born With Hair
While excessive caffeine and exercise during pregnancy may make sense to some extent, heartburn indicating your child is developing hair in the womb seems a little bizarre.

It is often said that heartburn during pregnancy indicates that your unborn child will have hair. However, there may be some truth behind this.

According to a study, babies born to mothers who experienced moderate to severe heartburn had hair.

According to researchers, pregnancy hormones are thought to calm the lower esophagus in addition to being in charge of baby hair growth. However, more study is required to rule this as a fact, so until then we can rule this as a myth.

● Heart Rate And Face Shape Can Predict a Child’s Gender
Interestingly, many believe that a mother's face shape or a baby's heart rate can determine its gender.

And this isn't true at all. All fetuses in gestation should have fetal heart rates of between one hundred twenty and one hundred sixty beats per minute. To learn the gender, one has to wait until the ultrasound or delivery.

You may have heard that a woman is having a girl when she has acne or even a full face. This is untrue and another urban legend. Pregnancy-related factors, including food and heredity, might affect your facial structure and skin health.

Pregnancy is a subject with a ton of unanswered questions. There are so many do's and don'ts that are typically myths and not facts that are globally followed even today.

Consultations with your doctor can help you with any queries you may have regarding what to anticipate, which are facts and not myths.

We hope that the nine myths and facts about pregnancy mentioned above will help you have a better journey.

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